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The global energy landscape behind the Russia-Ukraine war

March 22, 2022 CEN_com 0

Context As the recent Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to heat up, the world energy market is experiencing huge tensions. The author points out the stark reality of the global energy landscape behind the war and the urgency for developing countries to build a united community in order to address the issues of global energy equity and justice and the race for influence in the sector. Key Points Within the previous global […]

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How China became the world’s largest contributor to forest growth

March 22, 2022 CEN_com 0

Context China’s rapid economic development has been accompanied by environmental problems that have been the subject of much criticism. On March 12, the 44th Arbor Day in China, Liu Min and Hu Angang used detailed data to show the lesser well-known achievements of China’s forestry industry and the reasons that drove them. Key points From 1990 to 2016, the world’s forest area and carbon sink – the ability of forests to […]

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Hungary-Serbia railway section opened: a Balkans Belt and Road Initiative

March 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Belgrade-Novi Sad section of the 350-km Belgrade-Budapest railway was inaugurated on Saturday in Serbia’s Novi Sad. Once finished, trains will run at a speed up to 200 km/h between Belgrade and Budapest, bringing the Balkans closer to central Europe. China is financing parts of a high-speed train route from Budapest, through Serbia and North Macedonia to the Greek port of Piraeus. A section of the Chinese-built Hungary-Serbia railway opened […]

New independent financial and monetary system to bypass $USD transactions?

March 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Russia-led Eurasia Economic Union has just agreed with China to design the mechanism for an independent financial and monetary system that will by pass US dollar transactions. Say hello to Russian gold and Chinese petroyuan The following article by Pepe Escobar is reproduced from The Cradle, March 15 2022. _______________________________ It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed. On […]

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Wealthy senior citizens in developed countries pose carbon-reduction challenge for ‘world factories’ like China, Middle East, study finds

March 20, 2022 CEN_com 0

Wealthy senior citizens in the US and Australia have the highest per capita footprint, twice the average level of western Europe and more than triple that of Japan. … Elderly people consumed about a third more meat and dairy than their middle-aged compatriots, especially in Western European countries. The higher consumption of protein-rich food translates to greater amounts of energy needed to produce it. The growing ranks of wealthy senior […]

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China’s BRI an opportunity the world can’t afford to miss

March 19, 2022 CEN_com 0

China will work with the international community to continue advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, making the initiative a “belt of development” for the benefit of the world and a “road to happiness” for the people of all countries. This was the key message delivered by Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a press conference on the sidelines of the country’s 2022 “two sessions.” Over the past […]

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Russia finds more evidence US funded bio-program on germ warfare in Ukraine

March 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

A Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson said on Sunday (March 6) that evidence of a U.S.-financed military biological program developed in Ukraine has been revealed during Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, according to a report by Russian media agency TASS.  The spokesperson, Igor Konashenkov, said, “In the course of the special military operation, evidence of the Kyiv regime’s hasty measures to conceal any traces of the military biological program, financed by […]

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China outlines major tasks on urbanization, urban-rural development

March 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

Shared by on Facebook BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) — China’s top economic planner has unveiled major tasks in promoting new urbanization and integrated urban-rural development in 2022, vowing to deepen reform of the household registration system and help migrant workers better integrate into cities. In deepening reform of the household registration system, cities with a permanent resident population under 3 million should remove all limits on household registration, according […]

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Why is the US neglected in the global origins-tracing of COVID-19?

March 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

In late December 2019, Wuhan, capital city of the Hubei Province of China, was the first to report a pneumonia never seen before that spread rapidly locally. Before that, an unexplained pneumonia, which is also rare, broke out swiftly in the US. Over the past two years, there have been many different theories and assumptions on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. The connection between the two bizarre outbreaks in […]

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Dual perspectives on interpreting the Ukrainian crisis: geopolitics and a financial game

March 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

The crisis in Ukraine objectively promotes the deepening of Sino-Russian cooperation. The cooperation between Russia and China will further orient the center of gravity of the Eurasian continent toward Asia, a trend that is of great significance for curbing global hegemony led by the US and pushing towards a pluralist world order. Professor Wang Xiangsui The following article is reproduced by Dongsheng’s Chinese Voices (No.36) 13.03.2022. Context The crisis in […]