Small population plant species protected

July 22, 2023 CEN_com 0

China’s Yunnan sees progress in protecting plant species with extremely small populations Does a plant still have value for conservation if there are only a few found surviving in the wild? For botanists, the answer is definitely yes. In southwest China’s Yunnan province, they seek and protect rare plant species in the wild, introduce and breed the species and then return them to nature. Thanks to more than 10 years […]

China Biodiversity success: Milu Deer

July 21, 2023 CEN_com 0

China Biodiversity: Over 460 newborn Milu Deer born in Hubei Milu deer (Elaphurus davidianus) is listed as Class I National Key Protected Species of China. The species is Classified as Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN’s Red List. It is said to have became extinct a long time ago, perhaps 1800 years ago, and was for a long time preserved by the Chinese Emperor in his Imperial Hunting Park […]

China-US relations: Climate diplomacy

July 21, 2023 CEN_com 0

What’s stalling China-U.S. climate cooperation? Can China and the U.S. set aside rivalry for climate action ahead of COP28? Will China and the U.S. meet halfway through climate diplomacy? China is becoming a leader in global climate governance and is on track to meet its 2030 wind and solar energy targets five years ahead of schedule. How can the country expand cross-border cooperation and international collaboration for combating climate change? […]

Ocean currents and climate change

July 19, 2023 CEN_com 0

Massive ocean currents, such as the gulf stream, move heat from one part of the planet to the other. This process, in part, helps to give Western Europe its mild winter climate.  Cimate change is already having a visible effect on the world’s temperatures and scientists are starting to build a clearer picture of what happens when certain climate components near their tipping point.  Explaining the situation for the science […]

Ecosystem Functions and Services

July 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

Understanding the difference between the two What is the difference between ecosystem functions and ecosystem services? This brief article describes the difference between these two often confused terms in environmental science and management. It aims to integrate and clarify the many definitions and viewpoints of ecosystem functions and ecosystem services currently available online. Ecosystem Definition “An ecosystem is defined as a community of lifeforms in concurrence with non-living components, interacting with […]

China protects ancient trees

July 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

Science-based measures implemented to protect old, valuable trees in China. Cover photo: Tanzhe Temple, located in Mentougou District, Beijing, is the oldest Buddhist temple in Beijing. There is a tall and lush ginkgo tree (银杏树) in the temple yard, which is estimated to be more than 1,300 years old, and was named ‘Emperor Tree’ by the Qing Dynasty Emperor. Old and valuable trees are “living fossils” that carry the memories […]

China finds new way to recycle plastic

July 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

BEIJING — A Chinese research team has developed a new method of recycling polyethylene plastic waste that could cut costs while producing a range of useful petroleum-based materials, according to a paper published recently in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. Polyethylene plastic, which is one of the five main types of plastic, is highly stable and does not biodegrade easily. However, the research team from the University of Science and Technology […]

Nord Stream: China wants UN probe

July 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated the call for an objective, impartial and professional investigation into the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines in September last year. The explosion “not only poses a direct threat to the security of transnational infrastructure, but also has a negative impact on the ecological environment and shipping safety in related seas” Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent UN representative “It is […]

China on Fukushima wastewater: ‘drink it’

July 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

UN nuclear watchdog and others who claim Japanese reactor’s wastewater is safe should drink it, a Chinese official has said Beijing has responded to the UN nuclear watchdog’s controversial support for plans by Japan to dump contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean by arguing that those who believe the water is safe should drink it and swim in it. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman […]

Warming shocks the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

July 11, 2023 CEN_com 0

Climate change is bringing heatwaves and drought, glaciers are melting faster, lakes are expanding and desertification is worsening. July 4, 2023 Editor’s Note: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in south-western China, is known as the “roof of the world”. It is home to more mountain glaciers than anywhere else on the planet and is the source of some of Asia’s most important rivers. It also plays an important role in, and is […]