Cloud seeding not responsible for UAE flood

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

Climate change, not cloud seeding, responsible for UAE flood Crazy and baseless rumours are circulating that the recent flood in the BRICS-member United Arab Emirates was caused by cloud seeding. No so. There was no recent cloud seeding activity conducted prior to the storm. It was totally compatible with the impacts of climate change. Certain forces will do all they can to confuse people on global warming and its affect […]

Sustainability China’s next economic goal

April 19, 2024 CEN_com 0

Sustainability driving China’s next economic transformation Writing in the South China Morning Post, analyst Lub Bun Chong reflects on the fact that many Western narratives “red-flag” China’s economic situation but in doing so do not grasp that these are the side-effects of the transformations China initiated in 2014 by ushering in a “new normal” and ditching high GDP targets. Resources that are not wasted on blindly chasing GDP growth are […]

Major global environmental treaties US won’t ratify

April 12, 2024 CEN_com 0

Published 2021/08/23 Most of the world’s countries support these global agreements on conservation and pollution. China has ratified each of them, but the United States of America refuses In one of his first acts after taking power US, President Biden signed an executive order to have the United States rejoin the Paris climate agreement. This was expected by the international community, and it was described by the new US regime […]

The Kunming Declaration: Ecological Civilization

April 12, 2024 CEN_com 0

The Kunming Declaration: Ecological Civilization – Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth CHINA CHAIRS UN CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Published2022/08/26 China currently holds the rotating Presidency of the Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). This is the first time China has overseen a major UN intergovernmental negotiation on the environment. The first meeting in the current round of Conference of Parties (COP15) of the […]

Climate catastrophes: China hit by floods

April 12, 2024 CEN_com 0

World facing climate catastrophes? China hit by floods Published 2022/08/19 LEVELS OF RAINFALL IN CHINA NOT SEEN SINCE THE EARLY 1960S. Authorities across much of southern China have issued weather advisories for heavy rain and severe flooding. Over 80 rivers have already seen waters exceed warning levels after days of heavy rains. Over 1.79 million people in central China’s Hunan Province have been affected by heavy rain and more than […]

China launches major ecology projects

April 12, 2024 CEN_com 0

China launches major scientific and technological projects in ecology and environment – Ministry of Ecology and Environment China has continued to launch a series of major scientific and technological projects and initiatives, including drones, big data, cloud computing, and the internet of things, in the ecological and environmental field, according to the country’s environmental authorities. The technologies have been effectively applied in the battle against pollution, providing strong support for […]

Drought triggers power shortages in China’s Yangtze basin

April 11, 2024 CEN_com 0

Published2022/08/19 Since mid-June, China has been facing the most intense and enduring heat waves since records began in 1961, according to the National Climate Centre. In the past week, the middle and lower Yangtze River basin has experienced exceptionally hot and dry spells in what is supposed to be the flood season, forcing provinces to suspend or restrict power to businesses to ensure supply for households. The Poyang and Dongting […]

Noise affects mate choice in animals: Chinese study

April 11, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese researchers have discovered that noise influences mate choice based on visual information in animal Published2022/08/16 Chinese researchers have discovered that noise influences mate choice based on visual information in animals via cross-sensory interference, according to the Chengdu Institute of Biology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Animal communication is often hampered by noise interference, while little is known about its cross-modal effect and how animals weigh unimodal and multimodal […]

Yellow River water rebalance

April 11, 2024 CEN_com 0

The Yellow River has been plagued by flooding for thousands of years, but decades of water conservancy and erosion control projects by China has tackled the root cause of the Yellow River’s flooding, promising to provide relief to the densely populated areas along its course. The Yellow River has undergone a dramatic shift during the last six decades. In the late 20th century its streamflow severely dwindled away, but in […]

China tool renewal boosts green transition

April 7, 2024 CEN_com 0

China’s climate goals: action plan calling for renewal of equipment can also boost green transition In a circular issued on March 13, 2024, the State Council, China’s cabinet, released an action plan to promote large-scale equipment renewals and trade-ins of consumer goods to propel the high-quality development of its economy and to boost investment and consumption. The South China Morning Post reported that in adition to stimulating the economy, the […]