Hungary, China solar energy storage

May 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

By 2030, Hungary will have the fourth largest capacity in the world for storing green energy after China, the United States and Germany. Forest-Vill, the Hungarian company behind the storage facility says construction is underway for the EUR 21 million, 20 MW storage facility, located near Szolnok. Chinese company Huawei will provide the equipment for 60 MWh capacity project, which is expected to be completed in the first half of […]

BRICS challenge World Bank

May 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

End of Western hegemony: BRICS+ challenge World Bank Since its formation the World Bank has promoted and consolidated Western hegemony, imposed draconian neo-liberal economic policies and perpetuated global inequalities The World Bank has been the target of extensive criticism over the years by developing nations, centering on its operational practices and the broader implications of its policies. These criticisms include allegations of promoting Western hegemony and perpetuating global inequalities, as […]

West anti-China moves harm climate action

May 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

Efforts by the US and EU to stem China’s dominance in green technologies risk stalling the fight against global warming, according to the veteran diplomat tasked by Xi Jinping to represent China on climate issues. Liu Zhenmin, appointed in January as China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change, this month heads for his first in-person meetings in the US since taking the role. Those talks come at a crucial juncture for international cooperation — with skepticism about pledges to phase out […]

BRICS challenge to World Bank

May 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

End of Western hegemony: BRICS+ challenge World Bank Since its formation the World Bank has promoted and consolidated Western hegemony, imposed draconian neo-liberal economic policies and perpetuated global inequalities The World Bank has been the target of extensive criticism over the years by developing nations, centering on its operational practices and the broader implications of its policies. These criticisms include allegations of promoting Western hegemony and perpetuating global inequalities, as […]

West’s new narrative against China: overcapacity

April 28, 2024 CEN_com 0

During her visit to China at the beginning of April, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed her concern about an alleged overcapacity in the Asian giant’s new energy sector. In the last few weeks, this idea has been circulating in the Western media, accusing the Chinese government’s subsidies to energy sector companies as “unfair”. The decision to subsidize an industrial sector is a national sovereignty judgement of the country and […]

BRICS invites Serbia to summit in October

April 26, 2024 CEN_com 0

Various media sources have reported that the BRICS bloc has invited Serbia to its next summit in Russia later this year. Russia holds the BRICS presidency in 2024, with the central event of its presidency being the summit of BRICS leaders in Kazan in October. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has stated that he will consider participating in the BRICS summit in Kazan. If Serbia does attend the BRICS summit and […]

BRICS invites Serbia to summit in October

April 26, 2024 CEN_com 0

Various media sources have reported that the BRICS bloc has invited Serbia to its next summit in Russia later this year. Russia holds the BRICS presidency in 2024, with the central event of its presidency being the summit of BRICS leaders in Kazan in October. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has stated that he will consider participating in the BRICS summit in Kazan. If Serbia does attend the BRICS summit and […]

‘Peak China’ is a Western myth

April 21, 2024 CEN_com 0

So called “Peak China” is simply a Western campaign for China to commit economic suicide Foreword: A few days ago the European Union announced it would launch a subsidy investigation into Chinese wind turbine suppliers in several EU countries, as the bloc steps up trade protectionism against China’s new-energy industries –  the fourth such “investigation” of Chinese industries by the EU within two months. The Global Times points out that […]

Sustainability driving China’s next economic transformation

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

Writing in the South China Morning Post, analyst Lub Bun Chong reflects on the fact that many Western narratives “red-flag” China’s economic situation but in doing so do not grasp that these are the side-effects of the transformations China initiated in 2014 by ushering in a “new normal” and ditching high GDP targets. Resources that are not wasted on blindly chasing GDP growth are either conserved or judiciously utilised. China’s lower targeted […]

Winds of Change: China’s wind turbines

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

The Winds of Change: Why the EU is investigating China’s wind turbines? When the European Commission (EC) initiated an investigation into subsidies allegedly provided to Chinese wind turbine suppliers, an undeniable undertone of scepticism made itself heard that China’s exponential advance in renewable energy must have involved factors beyond the market. But is that really the case? Over the past two decades, China’s wind power capacity has soared from just […]