No justice: Marshall Is. US Nuclear Test

March 4, 2024 CEN_com 0

The Marshall Islands is still seeking justice for US Nuclear Test Seven decades after Castle Bravo, the most devastating US nuclear test in the Pacific, the US still refuses to give the Marshall Islanders fair compensation On March 1, 1954, a blinding flash of light in the west made it seem as though the sun was rising from the wrong side of the ocean. The sky and the sea turned […]

World’s largest space environment simulator

March 2, 2024 CEN_com 0

The South China Morning Post reports that the most comprehensive ground-based space environment research platform on Earth has completed testing and is officially operating in China to support the country’s growing space ambitions. The Space Environment Simulation and Research Infrastructure (SESRI) in the northeastern city of Harbin passed its national acceptance review on Tuesday after a trial operation that began last year, according to state broadcaster CCTV. The multi-component facility covers an area equivalent to […]

Ukraine used US-made chemical weapons

February 21, 2024 CEN_com 0

Secret USA bio-warfare labs in Ukraine – now US supplied chemical weapons? Moscow claims that Washington and Kiev have violated the articles of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Washington and Kiev have violated articles of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as Ukrainian forces have used illegal munitions on the battlefield, Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov has claimed. The head of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical […]

New Fukushima radioactive water leak

February 18, 2024 CEN_com 0

Latest Fukushima radioactive water leak part of pattern of repeated accidents at plant – China An accident in Fukushima once again demonstrates the deep-rooted problems of disorder and chaos in the internal management of Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). Japan has the responsibility to promptly and fully disclose information about the incident in a transparent manner and provide responsible explanations, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Thursday, after Japanese […]

US bioweapons threat: Russia & China concern

February 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

Russia and China have pledged to collaborate in confronting dangers posed by the Pentagon’s “biological activities”. The Russian and Chinese governments have held an inter-agency meeting in Beijing to share their assessments of biological security concerns, and address the threats posed by bioweapons – particularly those allegedly being developed by the US military. Moscow and Beijing agreed to work together in seeking to strengthen the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention […]

China to further improve air quality

January 31, 2024 CEN_com 0

New action plan to improve China’s air quality, highlights green and low-carbon transformation China’s new action plan to improve its air quality highlights a green and low-carbon transformation and win-win situation for environmental, economic and social benefits, China’s top environmental engineer said on Monday.  In November 2022, China was identified as having achieved the world’s fastest improvement in air quality, with a dramatic drop in the emissions intensity of major […]

China targets 25% wastewater reuse by 2025

January 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

China’s water-scarce cities to reach 25% wastewater reuse by 2025. During the past decades of rapid development in wastewater treatment, China has accomplished the transition of wastewater treatment from underdevelopment to an industrial powerhouse. China accounts for 21% of the world’s population but only has 6% of the world’s freshwater resource, and it also has the largest amount of sewage discharge. Rapid urbanization and industrialization have created enormous challenges to […]

How China ensures food security

November 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

How is China ensuring food security for 1.4 billion people? Although pandemics, extreme weather events, and geopolitical conflicts have led to disruptions in food supply chains and rising international food prices, there is no shortage of food for the world’s population. However, hunger continues to affect millions of people. According to the latest State of Food Insecurity and Nutrition in the World report, between 691 and 783 million people will go hungry […]

Plastic pollution under spotlight

November 15, 2023 CEN_com 0

About 2,000 delegates from around the world are gathering in the Kenyan capital Nairobi for fresh talks on the landmark international treaty to combat plastic pollution. In December 2018, China’s State Council launched a plan to restrict the production, sale, and use of single-use plastic bags and tableware, and to expand the application of degradable plastic products. Under the initiative, the performance of enterprises in service industries such as hotels […]

Africa adopts Chinese hybrid rice

October 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

The water-saving and drought-resistant rice developed by the Shanghai Agrobiological Gene Center has passed various approvals in several African countries, such as Uganda in the second half of last year, according to a researcher at the center. Kenya and other African countries are part of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat for the conservation and sustainable use of waterlands, Liu Zaochang, head of the SAGC’s […]