‘Heroes for the Wild’: China’s nature reserve rangers

China’s one million rangers provide crucial educational bridges between leaders and locals, protecting the country’s wildlife.

“China is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world while it holds 1/5 of the world’s population. To better preserve its biodiversity and the fragile ecosystems against anthropocentric threats, China has established more than 11800 protected areas covering approximately 18% of its total land area, reaching the Aichi target 11 which aims to protect 17% of land area (Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, 2016). “

“Among different types of protected areas, nature reserves have been the strictest and most predominant type, [prior to the establishment in 2021 of the new National Park system]. By the end of 2019, 2740 nature reserves had been established, covering 15% of the land area. Since 2017, the reform of protected areas has identified the national park system as the key type of protected areas, together with nature reserves and natural parks.”

YanGao and Binbin V.Li

In the following video, Kyle Obermann, Nature Contributor for The China Current, shares his experience working alongside China’s rangers — those on the frontline in remote natural habitats across the country.

Read article referred to in the videoGlobal Ecology and Conservation, 29(2), July 2021. 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01731

Video Source: The China Current, 20 Jan 2022.

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