Questions deepen regarding crash of Ukrainian ‘cargo’ plane in Greece: US involvement?

A mysterious Ukraine cargo plane has crashed that was bearing weapons. So why are people who came close suffering from mysterious symptoms such as burning lips? What kind of weapons do that??

Redacted News

Reuters News Agency reported on 17 July 2022: A Ukrainian Antonov An-12 cargo plane carrying “munitions” from Serbia to Bangladesh crashed in northern Greece late on Saturday, killing all eight crew members on board, Greek and Serbian authorities said on Sunday.

Ukraine-based operator, Meridian Air Cargo, confirmed that all eight crew members were Ukrainian citizens and had died in the crash. Ukrainian authorities confirmed that the crew members were Ukrainian nationals but declined to comment further. The flight was carrying a cargo of military weapons for a Serbian arms company, Valir DOO.

The plane had been chartered to transport weapons from Nish in Serbia to Bangladesh, with two scheduled “technical stops” in Amman (Jordan) and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). Both of them are countries bordering on active war zones – Syria and Yemen – both of which have been subject to chemical attacks by Western backed entities.

The Greek Army’s Special Joint Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Unit cleared two paths before allowing fire service forensics experts to enter the crash site.

According to Arms Watch the Serbian defense minister Neboisha Stefanovich said the dangerous cargo “included 11.5 tons of illuminating mortar shells and mortar shells for training for the Bangladeshi army and were exported by the Serbian company Valir DOO.” According to the minister, the munitions were made by the Serbian defence industry.

Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, reporting in Arms Watch on July 18, 2022, revealed that “Valir DOO has exported 249 tons of Serbian weapons to the US in 2021 and 2022, according to US Imports data and public records. In 2020 alone the company declared 15.4 million USD annual revenue just a year since its incorporation.”

The aircraft had come down in a ball of flames close to the village of Palaiochori in Greece before exploding on impact in a corn field.

Firefighters who rushed to the scene were prevented from reaching the crash site by smoke and an intense smell that they feared might be toxic. Some first responders said a white power was drifting over the crash scene, and reported experiencing skin burns and numb lips. The Greek Army’s Special Joint Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Unit cleared two paths before allowing fire service forensics experts to enter the crash site, according to media reports.

Commentators have questioned why a Ukrainian air cargo company was involved munitions exports in the middle of the Ukrainian war. Others have suggested it had all the hallmarks of a classic CIA “black ops” arms deal. One possibility raised was whether the “dangerous materials” being transported could have been chemical or biological agents being removed from Ukraine following the discovery of numerous US bio-warfare laboratories in that country.

‘Their lips turned numb’ Mystery Ukraine weapons plane crashes in Greece

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‘Their lips turned numb’ Mystery Ukraine weapons plane crashes in Greece


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