Zimbabwe to boost wildlife cooperation with China

June 25, 2024 CEN_net 0

Zimbabwe is keen to enhance cooperation with China to boost wildlife conservation and unlock the potential of its wildlife economy, a senior government official has said. John Paradza, Zimbabwe’s deputy minister of environment, climate and wildlife, said in a recent written interview with Xinhua that Zimbabwe is endowed with rich biodiversity that offers vast opportunities for Zimbabwe-China cooperation. “We can have more environmentally friendly investors who can partner with us […]

Malaysia and Thailand seek to join BRICS alliance

June 25, 2024 CEN_net 0

Malaysia joins Thailand as south east Asian nations seeking entry into the BRICS bloc in 2024. Over the last several years, the BRICS alliance has increased its influence in global geopolitics. It has sought to use this expanded influence and de-dollarization to reshape global finance. Moreover, it has continually sought to implement a multipolar world that embraces greater participation and competition. That is set to be enhanced by its growth […]

World’s first 18MW offshore wind turbine installed in China’s Guangdong

June 25, 2024 CEN_net 0

An 18-megawatt semi-direct drive offshore wind turbine was successfully installed in a coastal test base in the city of Shantou, south China’s Guangdong province Wednesday. It is the world’s largest installed offshore wind turbine, according to its developer, Dongfang Electric Corporation. The rotor diameter of the wind turbine is 260 meters, and the swept area is more than 53,000 square meters, which is equivalent to the size of 7.4 standard […]

Dam shows potential of China-Kenya BRI partnership

June 25, 2024 CEN_net 0

The Chinese-built Thwake Multipurpose Dam in Kenya is almost complete, and its commissioning later this year will pave the way for the country’s socio-economic transformation. The dam, located at the intersection of the rivers Thwake and Athi, in the south of Kenya, is constructed by China Gezhouba Group Co, is the pioneer project of China-Kenya joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the flagship project of the Kenya […]

China invests almost 4 times more in clean energy than in fossil fuels

June 14, 2024 CEN_net 0

The world will invest $2 trillion in clean energy this year, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA). This is roughly double the amount being put towards fossil fuels, the agency said. China is putting 3.7 times more money into clean energy than it is investing in fossil fuels. The world is still off track for the goal of tripling renewables by 2030, said another new […]

Rising sea levels threaten global oil trade & energy security

June 14, 2024 CEN_net 0

Image: Shanghai inundation at 4C sea level rise ASIA MOST AFFECTED According to a report released in Hong Kong on May 21, 2024 by China Water Risk (CWR) instead of providing energy security, global oil supply chains are increasingly threatened by rising sea levels. The report warns that the entire oil supply chain is in for a crude awakening as almost two-thirds of oil produced globally is shipped by oil tankers. […]

Restoring China’s vanishing oyster reefs

June 14, 2024 CEN_net 0

China has begun protecting and re-establishing its oyster reefs, one of the world’s most endangered marine habitats, but challenges remain. Naturally formed oyster reefs face a precarious existence, with around 85% of them having disappeared globally. China is no exception, and while the country has established special protected areas and rolled out restoration efforts for these reefs, results to date have been limited. Human factors, including overfishing, pollution and pollution-induced […]

What’s behind China’s shift to environmental diplomacy?

June 13, 2024 CEN_net 0

CHINA’S infrastructure investments across the Global South are well documented. Less well known, however, is China’s turn to environmental diplomacy. Amid rising geopolitical tensions and hard-power politics, China is also leveraging soft power. This shift is marked by environment- and development-focused initiatives, such as the BRI Green Development Coalition in 2017 and the Global Development Initiative in 2021. Both align with President Xi Jinping’s intention to “build a global ecological […]