China’s Directory to Accelerate Green Technology Adoption

China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and seven other departments have announced the “Green Technology Promotion Directory (2024 Edition)” to accelerate the deployment of advanced green technologies.

As reported by the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) in its recent Green Finance Brief, the Directory focuses on sectors like energy conservation, environmental protection, resource recycling, and green infrastructure upgrades.

The NDRC will promote these technologies through various events and encourage financial institutions to provide green financing support. Recommended technologies should show significant energy-saving and environmental benefits, be economically viable, and have been successfully applied in at least two domestic applications. The NDRC will enhance promotion through events and encourage financial institutions to support these technologies with green financing options.

About the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF)

Promoting the Development of Green Finance in China and Abroad

The IIGF is an independent not for profit research institute focused on the green economy and is part of China’s prestigious Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). It was established in 2016 and is located in Beijing.

The Institute conducts research within a wide range of topics related to green finance such as carbon emission trading, information disclosure, international financial institutions, risk assessment, as well as credit, bonds, and insurance.

Source: IIGF Green Finance Brief, July 2024.