From national to world scenery – China’s World Heritage Sites

World Heritage promotes mutual learning among civilizations.

The Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage promulgated in 1972 was a global landmark event for UNESCO, aimed at exploring cultural teleology and universal values with culture as the starting point.

The Convention mainly stipulates the definition of cultural and natural heritage, as well as measures for national and international protection of cultural and natural heritage. It also specifies that all contracting states may identify the cultural and natural heritage within their territories and submit their list to the World Heritage Committee for approval. All sites inscribed on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List are strictly protected by the laws of the country in which they are located.

Since the signing of the Convention, human society has undergone tremendous changes, which continuously affect the developing direction of World Heritage, adjusting its own orientation with these changes and playing a key role in promoting intercultural dialogue, peace-building and sustainable development.

The development and change of World Heritage itself is also of great value for understanding the positive significance of world heritage protection to human society, for understanding the role of world heritage for sustainable development today, and for us to think about mutual learning among civilizations and understand the positive relationship between heritage protection and sustainable development in a broader sense.

The role of heritage protection extends from protecting the crystallization of human civilization and the global environment on which mankind depends, to promoting social justice and promoting the sustainable development of human society. As proposed by UNESCO, the cultural dimension is of great significance in the development of human society.

In the field of World Heritage, peacebuilding has a certain impact on the development of the world, whether it is community-based heritage conservation and management, or the promotion of respect for cultural diversity through exchange and dialogue. Greater emphasis will be placed on the contribution of World Heritage sites to social resilience, the focus on humanity, and the inspiration for innovative ideas on the basis of core values of great civilizations.

Read full article: CGTN, Aug- 01, 2024.…/Chinese-World-Heritage…/p.html…