New university rankings up-end world research: Chinese universities hold 6 of top 10 spots

” tens of thousands of scientific and engineering journals are omitted by Western university ranking systems, especially those not written in the English language.”

The Leiden University Center for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) has posted new university rankings that add open-data sources to the traditional list of top journals, which were previously the standard.

Common university ranking systems carefully consider research reputation and scholarship, including real-world impact and application.

But tens of thousands of scientific and engineering journals are omitted by Western university ranking systems, especially those not written in the English language.

Simply by including the journals in the OpenAlex databases, Chinese universities vault to the top of global rankings for research universities, snagging six of the top nine spots, and ten of the top 20.

Video source: Inside China Business, July 16, 2024.

Resources and links:

Forbes, China Used More Concrete In 3 Years Than The U.S. Used In The Entire 20th Century [Infographic]

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