‘Trash hunt’: Chinese tourists transform into guardians of scenic beauty

“Reduce, reuse, recycle,” are the three Rs that waste environmental activists have underscored. Recently, this idea came to life in China at the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang, Northwest China’s Gansu Province.

With the tourist season in full swing, Dunhuang’s iconic scenic spot has been bustling with visitors – around 20,000 a day since July. But with this influx, the challenge of managing waste has become more pressing, putting a strain on sanitation workers.

In response, the scenic area has introduced a refreshing initiative: “Trash hunt for gifts.” Visitors are given trash bags and encouraged to pick up litter around the site. In return, they receive small gifts featuring Dunhuang’s rich cultural heritage.

This approach is more than just a gimmick – it was a genuine effort to foster a culture of responsibility and care for the environment.

Read more: Global Times, Aug 02, 2024. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202408/1317254.shtml