Venezuelan President Maduro invited to BRICS leaders summit in Russia

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil announced on Friday that President Nicolas Maduro has been invited to the upcoming BRICS summit, scheduled to be held in Kazan, Russia, this October.

Mideast Discourse reports that the Venezuelan Foreign Minister said on X that “President Vladimir Putin invited President Maduro to attend the leaders’ summit of the BRICS+ countries,” and posted the letter sent by Putin to Maduro.

Last Sunday, Maduro was declared the winner of Venezuela’s presidential election by the electoral authority. The announcement sparked nationwide riots and violence, driven by opposition claims of electoral fraud and widespread skepticism over the results.

These actions are widely believed to be orchestrated and funded by the regime in Washington. The denunciation of election results and organized rioting by pro-US mobs is a familiar “colour revolution” tactic frequently resorted to by the US in an attempt to overthrow governments and leaders that resist US hegemony.

SourceMideast Discourse, August 4, 2024.…/maduro-invited-to-brics…/