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China and African nations push for new global fund to secure biodiversity accord

August 31, 2021 CEN_com 0

China and African nations are pushing for the establishment of a multi-billion-dollar “global biodiversity fund” to help developing countries meet goals agreed in the UN Convention on Biodiversity being negotiated to protect nature, U.N. officials and observers said. About 195 countries are expected to finalise a new accord to safeguard the planet’s plants, animals and ecosystems at a two-part U.N. summit due to culminate in May next year in the […]

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White Man’s Media: vilification of China and ‘colonisation of the mind’

August 31, 2021 CEN_com 0

Most political colonies have come to an end. But a colonial mind set continues in the Australian media. That colonial media mind set in turn promotes a ‘colonisation of the mind’. By John Menadue, the publisher of Pearls & Irritations. The US Department of Defence maintains, in its own words ‘full spectrum dominance’ throughout the world.  Legacy media in the US and the UK has the same dominance . It […]

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Ocean surface climates may disappear by 2100: study

August 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

Up to 95 percent of Earth’s ocean surface will have changed by the end of the century – oceans will be hotter, more acidic and less hospitable to life unless humanity reins in its carbon emissions, according to research published Thursday.  Ocean surface climates, defined by surface water temperature, acidity and the concentration of the mineral aragonite, which many marine animals use to form bones and shell, support the vast […]

History of mathematics is being revised to be fair to Han contributions

August 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

It’s becoming increasingly clear that many key developments in the history of mathematics were made in China, centuries or millennia before they were found by Europeans. The puzzle over how China suddenly became a global leader in Artificial Intelligence has a simple, widely overlooked answer: mathematics. AI and other Big Data handling techniques are rooted in processes developed thousands of years ago by Chinese scholars. Numeracy has always remained high […]

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Tibetan antelopes no longer on ‘endangered’ list

August 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

The status of Tibetan antelopes in China has been downgraded from “endangered” to “near threatened” amid the country’s active anti-poaching and biodiversity protection efforts, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration has announced. Thanks to efforts made to protect the animal over the past 40 years, the number of Tibetan antelopes (or Chiru) has risen from less than 75,000 in the 1980s to around 300,000 today. Despite the good news, the […]

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Carbon trading scheme may reduce China’s emissions by 30 to 60%

August 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

China’s national emissions trading scheme (ETS) could play an important role in the country’s carbon-neutrality drive by potentially reducing carbon emissions by 30 per cent to 60 per cent of current levels by 2060, according to a report released on Tuesday. The report is by the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC), a network of asset owners and financial institutions representing more than US$26 trillion in assets under management, and global asset […]

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China’s energy storage industry on fast track thanks to policy stimulus

August 26, 2021 CEN_com 0

China’s efforts to move electricity generation from a coal-dominated system to a mix of renewables is not only focusing on increased utilisation of wind, solar and other technologies but is also seeking to rapidly expand energy storage options. There are a range of energy storage technologies, including molten salt solar powered heat exchange and pumped hydro, however electrochemical battery storage is an area of rapid development. In late July 2021, […]

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Wildlife seeking new homes amid urbanization and climate change

August 26, 2021 CEN_com 0

Shanghai residents recently spotted a bunch of curious dog-like animals hanging around their neighborhoods. The experts confirmed them as raccoon dogs, or “貉” (hé) in Chinese. Most Chinese have heard of the animal from the phrase “一丘之貉” (yī qiū zhī hé), which could be literally translated to “raccoon dogs of the same hill,” meaning “birds of a feather”. But few actually knew what the animal looked like until recently. The […]