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China urges developed countries to face up to their responsibilities on climate change

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

“Developed countries should earnestly abide by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, face up to their historical responsibilities, show greater ambition and action, and help developing countries enhance their capacity to meet the climate challenge in terms of financial, technological and capacity building support.” Hua Chunying, spokesperson for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Climate change is based on inequality The post-industrial economic structure of the rich developed countries is […]

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China’s Guiyang targets 50% green economy share in GDP by 2025

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

GUIYANG — It is estimated that the added value of the green economy of Guiyang, capital of southwest China’s Guizhou Province, will account for half of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025, local environment authorities said Thursday. The city’s energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (about 1,500 U.S. dollars) of GDP decreased by over 25 percent during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) compared with that of the 12th Five-Year […]

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Power cuts fuel China’s energy mix change

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

The shortage of electricity in China at present is mainly caused by three factors. The industrial demand for electricity is increasing fast. The price of coal has soared. And local governments are trying to fulfill their emissions cut quotas. By the end of September, the price of thermal coal had increased about twofold compared with the same period last year, exhausting the interest margin of the power plant operators as […]

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Pacific nations warn about the threat of nuclear pollution by AUKUS

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

American failure to address previous nuclear contamination from its military activity does not lend credibility to Biden’s or Morrison’s rhetoric. Addressing the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly of the UN, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, said as his country is a party to the 1985 the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty he would like to keep the region nuclear free and put the region’s nuclear legacy […]

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China to boost new energy amid rationing

September 29, 2021 CEN_com 0

80-100 gigawatts of wind, solar power to be installed annually in China Photo taken on Oct. 23, 2019 shows the Nanfeng wind power field in Hami, northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Zhao Ge) Amid public concerns over the current electricity rationing and power shortages in some provinces in China, the National Energy Administration (NEA) has issued management guidance for the new energy industry. Analysts said the guidance will boost […]

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The revival of rare species in China: back to prosperity

September 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

This October, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will celebrate its 72nd founding anniversary. From 1949 to 2021, China has seen rapid development not only in economy and technology but also in ecological restoration. Many rare species were successfully saved from the threat of extinction. Dubbed “China’s National Treasure,” the giant panda is one of the most famous species that has been saved from the edge of extinction. The population […]

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The Dawn of Another Age: The Communian

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

An extract from an article published in the Monthly Review Today the moment of truth looms large. We currently reside within a “Great Climacteric”—first identified in the 1980s by geographers Ian Burton and Robert Kates—a long period of crisis and transition in which human society will either generate a stable relation to the Earth System or will experience a civilizational collapse, as part of a great die-down of life on […]

China’s environmental journey: 1972 Stockholm

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, in June 1972, was the first major United Nations event featuring the People’s Republic of China. It helped shape the country’s understanding of environmental issues ever since. In 2022, China was set to host a major UN environmental conference, after a delay of more than a year due to Covid-19. The 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD […]

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Springer Nature: Beijing tops first in Nature Index 2021 Science Cities

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

Editor’s note: During the 2021 Zhongguancun Forum, which is held in Beijing from September 24 to 28, 2021, CGTN spoke to China President of Springer Nature Niels Peter Thomas to discuss how Chinese scientific research has become more pronounced on the world stage over  the past two decades. Springer Nature is a leading research, educational and professional publisher, which owns high-profile scientific journal Nature. Beijing tops the Nature Index 2021 Science […]

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Tides of Change II: China’s efforts in offshore wind power crucial for carbon neutrality

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

Daishan No.4 Wind Farm in in Zhoushan City, east China’s Zhejiang Province. /China General Nuclear Power Corporation Among China’s arduous efforts to honor its commitment to peaking carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, developing offshore wind power, one of the key technologies to meet the goals, is of great significance.  According to a report released by the Global Wind Energy Council on Thursday, China […]