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Developing countries should not pay for Western emissions, say majority of world population at COP26

November 18, 2021 CEN_com 0

The bloc of four countries called ‘BASIC’ – comprising Brazil, South Africa, India and China – sought a fresh long-term climate finance goal at the recent UN-led COP26 summit on climate change in Glasgow, Scotland. In a statement presented by India’s environment minister, Bhupender Yadav, on behalf of the Basic countries during the opening of the COP26, said the bloc highlighted a road map for the delivery of the promised […]

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China hardens stance on crypto currency mining: ‘not consistent with efforts to save energy and cut carbon emissions’

November 17, 2021 CEN_com 0

“Virtual currency mining consumes a lot of energy and results in carbon emissions, which do not play a positive role in promoting industrial development and technological improvements.” China’s top economic regulator announced on Tuesday it will intensify regulation over virtual currency mining as part of the country’s ongoing efforts to save energy and cut carbon emissions. Meng Wei, a spokeswoman for the National Development and Reform Commission, said the commission […]

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The South China Sea holds a key to sustainable blue economies

November 17, 2021 CEN_com 0

Do a search Google on the South China Sea and likely as not you’ll encounter far more links about South China Sea “disputes” rather than “cooperation.” This shows that for most people disputes are the main features of the South China Sea. This is not surprising. In recent years, a series of incidents in the South China Sea between China and other nations such as the Philippines and Vietnam have […]

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Failure of the Western ‘left’ to understand the cause of environmental crisis

November 16, 2021 CEN_com 0

Readers of China Environment News will be aware that we have always tried to make a clear distinction between Western ‘liberal’ environmentalism and anti-imperialist ecological socialism, as exemplified by China’s integration of ecological civilization in to its approach to socialism. The failure of the Western “left” to break from supporting the anti-China agenda pursued by the US and a relatively small number of subsidiary, rich Western countries, is a topic […]

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Africa’s Great Green Wall

November 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

While all deserts, including the Sahara, increase in size during the dry season and decrease during the wet season, human-caused climate change in conjunction with natural climate cycles, are causing the Sahara desert to grow more and shrink less. Since 1920, the Sahara has grown beyond its initial boundaries and gobbled up more space, growing by nearly 10 percent. The desert is advancing south into more tropical terrain, turning green […]

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Feeding 1.4 billion: China’s floating fish farms

November 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Ningde of southeast China’s Fujian Province produces China’s cultured seafood. Thousands of fish farmers, who resided along this coastal area for decades have transferred this little fishing village into the epicenter of the yellow croaker industry – producing 75 percent of the nation’s total output. VIDEO: Click to watch SOURCE: CGTN, 8 Oct 2019

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Feeding 1.4 billion: Smart farming with China’s big grain silo

November 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Sixty percent of people in China live on rice as their staple food, and most of this rice is produced in the “Rice Capital” that is northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province. Here, the town of Jiansanjiang is one of the most important grain-producing bases in the country, with 15 state-owned farms. In recent years the farms have shifted from manual planting to full mechanized production with the practice of China’s smart […]

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COP26 concludes with Glasgow Climate Pact but stubborn issues remain uncertain

November 14, 2021 CEN_com 0

SEE EMBEDDED VIDEO The United Nations climate change conference concluded in Glasgow on Saturday after a one-day extension, with negotiators agreeing on a new global pact to tackle climate change. Nearly 200 participating countries adopted the Glasgow Climate Pact at the end of 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The pact is the first COP agreement to explicitly […]

Significant changes in China’s response to climate change

November 14, 2021 CEN_com 0

On Oct. 27, 2021 China released a white paper titled “Responding to Climate Change: China’s Policies and Actions“, the third chapter of which documented its significant changes in response to climate change. As a responsible major country, China is making its due contribution to the global response to climate change. 1. Coordinating Economic Development with Reductions in Pollution and Carbon Emissions As is showed, China is committed to integrating green […]

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‘It’s not time for rhetoric’ to tackle climate change: PNG minister

November 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

The developed countries need to take real action to meet their historical obligation and help island countries tackle climate change, Wera Mori, the minister for environment, conservation and climate change of Papua New Guinea (PNG), has said. “My message to the developed countries is that they’ve got to basically meet their obligations… It’s not the time for rhetoric,” Mori said. Mori made the remarks in Glasgow, Scotland, as negotiators met […]