Richard Lewontin, eco-socialism, evolutionary biology and Marxism

December 20, 2021 CEN_com 0

Originally published by: Science for the People by Professor Erik Svensson, November 3, 2021. On July 4, 2021, the great population geneticist and evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin passed away at the age of 92. Lewontin left a strong political legacy in the United States in addition to his scientific one. He shared this political legacy with his fellow Marxist and comrade Richard Levins, who passed away five years ago and who was […]

Fukushima radiation in Arctic adds to pressure on Japan

December 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

The revelation that radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear plant has reached the Arctic Ocean is sparking renewed calls for Japan to scrap a decision to dump toxic water from the crippled plant into the sea. According to a study by Yuichiro Kumamoto, a senior researcher from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, radioactive Cesium-134 that flowed into the ocean after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 arrived […]

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Mercury contamination reaches deepest parts of ocean: Chinese study

December 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese researchers and collaborators recently found that hadal trenches, the deepest parts of an ocean, receive a large amount of mercury. The study, published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), was conducted by a research team led by Xu Yunping, with Shanghai Ocean University and its international collaborators. Through the full-ocean-depth lander, self-developed by the Hadal Science and Technology Research Center of Shanghai Ocean University, […]

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Chinese researchers set up global database of soil seed banks

December 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese researchers have compiled and analyzed a database to characterize global determinants and patterns of soil seed banks. Soil seed banks, which include all viable seeds on or in the soil, represent a critical but hidden stock for potential future plant diversity on Earth. They are vital for the long-term survival of individual plant species and the diversity and dynamics of plant communities. In the dataset established by researchers from […]

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China light-splitting greenhouse also generates solar power to run the greenhouse’s operation

December 18, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese researchers have developed a new type of light-splitting greenhouse roof that can allow visible light to enter while converting near-infrared light into electricity. A group of researchers from the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, developed this new greenhouse covering structure based on the solar spectral splitting utilization, according to China Science Daily. Visible light, with a wavelength from […]

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From ending deforestation in China, to ending it everywhere

December 17, 2021 CEN_com 0

Experts argue China can build on protections for its own forests and expand due diligence to cover overseas products. [This article is republished in full from China Dialogue under a Creative Commons licence] Last month, the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow gave new impetus to forest conservation worldwide. Signatories to the Glasgow declaration on forest and land use committed to “halt and reverse” forest loss and land degradation by 2030, while at […]

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China boosts battery recycling amid decommissioning surge

December 17, 2021 CEN_com 0

China is seeking to boost the battery recycling sector to cope with the rise in decommissioning of aging batteries from new-energy vehicles (NEV), which have grown in popularity in recent years. China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said it will issue a new regulation to clarify the supervisory responsibilities of national and local departments, along with the requirements for battery recycling, according to Science and Technology Daily. The […]

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China, ASEAN to share new opportunities with RCEP in effect: experts

December 16, 2021 CEN_com 0

ASEAN and China share common development goals and face common challenges like climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, thus the two sides need closer ties to ensure the stability of supply and production chains to adapt to changes in the regional and international environments. (Dang Xuan Thanh, vice president, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) Experts call on China and ASEAN to strengthen cooperation to better make use of the opportunities […]

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Uganda’s Entebbe-Kampala Expressway – BRI project connects major cities and international airport

December 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Tourists and visitors traveling through Uganda’s Entebbe International Airport can save time between their destinations thanks to the 51-kilometer Kampala-Entebbe Expressway that was constructed by Chinese contractors. The recently commissioned Entebbe-Kampala Expressway gives the travel manager easy access to his destination as the expressway stretches from the outskirts of the capital and leads to the main airport, cutting a 2-hour-long journey to only around 30 minutes. Entebbe airport is Uganda’s […]

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“Ecological Bank” brings benefits to Chinese farmers – opens another door for green funding

December 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Liangshan Bank Thanks to the local “Liangshan Bank,” green resources that were once deemed useless by farmers are now assets. The name “Liangshan Bank,” or “the bank of two mountains,” came from the “two mountains” concept of Chinese leadership, according to which “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.” Apart from being a traditional lender, Liangshan Bank acts as a platform to integrate green resources and transform them into […]