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Belt and Road: China to help Nicaragua build housing for thousands poor and working families

January 31, 2022 CEN_com 0

China has signed an agreement with Nicaragua to build thousands of homes for poor and working families, expanding an existing public housing program in the Central American nation. Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government has signed a 3 year agreement with China to build thousands of homes for poor and working families, expanding the already existing Bismarck Martínez public housing program, Nicaraguan vice president Madam Rosario Murillo announced on January 28, 2022. […]

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China-Russia drive energy megaprojects

January 30, 2022 CEN_com 0

Gas as a ‘transition’ fuel for coal phase out China is shifting from coal to natural gas as part of its drive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Lin Boqiang, dean of the China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy at Xiamen University recently said that gas was seen as an effective “bridge fuel” between coal and renewables for China. China’s annual gas consumption is expected to reach 620 billion […]

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Red Panda conservation in China

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

Red pandas (or lesser pandas) have long, fluffy striped tails like a raccoon, and faces and diets that resemble a giant panda’s, but they clean themselves like a cat. However, they are not raccoons, bears, or cats — they were until recently thought to be the only living species in a genus of their own (Ailuridae). However in recent years, scientists have determined that ther are actually two separate species – the Himalayan […]

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China to have unified electricity market system by 2025

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

China aims to initially build a unified electricity market system by 2025 to enable optimized power resource allocation in a wider scope and improve the stability and flexibility of the power system, according to guidelines released Friday (2022-01-28) “Efforts will be made to enhance the adaptability of the electricity market to a high proportion of new energy sources, and for the creation of innovate mechanisms to carry out green power […]

COVID-19 may have reached Europe as early as 2019: Norwegian study

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

[See CGTN:…/2022…/detail-ihavfwhh0343767.shtml] New findings by Norwegian researchers show that the novel coronavirus could have arrived in Europe a month earlier than previously thought. This adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting the coronavirus was spreading globally before the first cases in a Wuhan market captured global attention in December 2019. An investigation led the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention ruled the market out as the origin place […]

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Glacier retreat accelerates global chemical weathering

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

Chinese and foreign researchers have evaluated the global chemical weathering rates beneath glaciers for the first time, revealing temporal and spatial variations and influence mechanisms. Chemical weathering, also known as decomposition or decay, is the breakdown of rock by chemical mechanisms, and it usually changes the chemical composition of the rock through carbonation, hydration, hydrolysis or oxidation. Researchers from China’s Northwest University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Pennsylvania State […]

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China releases white paper on space program

January 28, 2022 CEN_com 0

BEIJING, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) — China issued a white paper on the country’s space program on Friday. The white paper was published by the State Council Information Office of China. Titled “China’s Space Program: A 2021 Perspective,” the white paper introduces China’s purposes, principles, policies and measures, and cooperative mindset in its space exploration. It summarizes China’s achievements in space science, space technology and space application. “The space industry is […]

Global South Economic Alliance: China launches challenge to US hegemony

January 28, 2022 CEN_com 0

China is leading an international effort to develop alliances to counter U.S. hegemony. A new grouping of nations has been formed to promote China’s Global Development Initiative (GDI), and will complement China’s massive international infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative. In March 2021, 17 nations—many led by anti-imperialist and progressive governments, including Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia among others—formed a diplomatic alliance called the Group of Friends in Defense […]

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China overtakes UK as world’s largest offshore wind power provider

January 28, 2022 CEN_com 0

China built three times as much offshore wind-farm capacity as the rest of the world put together during 2021 – and figures show wide disparities between European nations’ rates of wind farm construction Updated information from the International Energy Agency (IEA) shows that during 2021, China provided more than three-quarters of the world’s added capacity in offshore wind-power generation. A global total of 10.5 gigawatts (GW) capacity was added, of which […]

Geothermal green heating part of China’s decarbonization plans

January 27, 2022 CEN_com 0

“China is adopting geothermal because geothermal district heating is by far the most economic means of heating available … It also answers China’s fundamental policy of carbon neutrality and combating air pollution.” City of Xian geothermal district heating The city of Xian’s geothermal district heating in Shaanxi Province China serves as an example of the country’s decarbonization plans. China’s commitment that it would strive to peak its carbon dioxide emissions […]