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China to become the world leader in safe nuclear power

January 7, 2022 CEN_com 0

China connected its first small modular nuclear reactor to its power grid, making it the first country in the world to draw power from such a machine, a report from Bloomberg reveals. China Huaneng Group Co.‘s 200-megawatt unit 1 reactor at Shidao Bay is connected to the grid in the Shandong province. The company is also developing a second reactor, which is scheduled to go into full operation next year following tests. The […]

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China-Brazil cooperation in clean energy has broad prospect

January 7, 2022 CEN_com 0

December 30, 2021 SAO PAULO, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) — The first self-constructed and managed green field wind power generation program of CGN Brazil Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. (CGN Brazil) and Participations S. A. has started operation lately, with another wind power project started constructing on the same day. Photo shows the CGN Brazil wind power generation project in Lagoa do Barro, Piaui in northeast Brazil. With rich wind and solar […]

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Unlocking US Sanctions: China Signs Construction & Energy Deals With Cuba

January 6, 2022 CEN_com 0

Beijing is slowly unpicking Washington’s foreign policy, sanction by sanction, country by country.   Sometimes, you just have to be patient. Cuba, the Caribbean nation long a thorn in the side of the United States since Fidel Castro took control of the island against US wishes, has managed to get around crippling US sanctions that have rendered the islands economy backwards for over 50 years by signing reconstruction deals with China […]

Cuba and China united by the New Silk Road

January 2, 2022 CEN_com 0

On December 23, Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz and the President of the National Commission for Development and Reform of China, He Lifeng , signed the Cooperation Plan between the Government of the Republic of Cuba and the Government of the People’s Republic of China. for the joint promotion of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century. This document makes effective the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the […]

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BRI: Pakistan’s Karot Hydropower Station begins water storage

January 2, 2022 CEN_com 0

After six years of construction, the Karot Hydropower Station in Pakistan has lowered the gates of its diversion tunnels and has officially started to store water on Saturday. The Karot Hydropower Project in Pakistan is one of the major investments under the Belt and Road Initiative. The plant is along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a 3,000-kilometer-long route of infrastructure projects connecting the two countries. It’s a milestone event, marking the […]

China’s West-East Gas Pipeline: Journey to the East

January 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

Kelvin Kwok shared a link to China Environment News on Facebook. “China should shut all the coal power plants”, say many. Well yes, that is a very valid statement, if we ignore any underlying hostility/racism or comically sincere expectations from ivory towers. Focusing on the reality in China, you will know coal is indeed used a lot, especially for heating during winters, and the country’s energy structure needs to be reformed […]

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China plans to build 100 “waste-free” cities by 2025 

January 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

China has mapped out an ambitious plan to build 100 “waste-free” cities by 2025 as a pivotal move to minimize the solid waste generation and maximize its recycling in urban areas. In fact, China has launched the pilot program of the “waste-free” initiative since 2019 in 11 pilot cities including the cities of Shenzhen, Chongqing and Shaoxing, which have played exemplar roles across the nation. According to the Ministry of […]

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World’s largest pumped-hydro storage in China

January 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Fengning pumped storage power station in north China’s Hebei Province, which will provide green electricity to the Beijing Winter Olympics, started operations on 31 December 2021. To achieve carbon emission reduction, China is developing new sources of energy, such as wind and solar, and adjusting the energy structure are among the priorities. China is putting efforts to expand its pumped hydro energy storage over the next decade, aiming to […]

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World’s largest pumped-hydro storage power station starts operations in north China

January 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Fengning pumped storage power station in north China’s Hebei Province, which will provide green electricity to the Beijing Winter Olympics, started operations on 31 December 2021. To achieve carbon emission reduction, China is developing new sources of energy, such as wind and solar, and adjusting the energy structure are among the priorities. China is putting efforts to expand its pumped hydro energy storage over the next decade, aiming to […]

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China’s first high-level radioactive waste glass curing facility in operation

January 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

China’s first facility for immobilizing high-level radioactive waste in glass went into operation in the city of Guangyuan, Southwest China’s Sichuan province, on September 11, 2021. This has made China one of few countries to master this technology and is of landmark significance for the green development of China’s nuclear industry. This is a landmark project at the back end of China’s nuclear industry chain. The China Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) announced […]