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No to a new Monroe Doctrine in the Pacific: Solomon Islands and China

May 4, 2022 CEN_com 0

Article by Carlos Martinez The Anglo ruling classes have gone into a state of frenzy over a recently-signed security agreement between the People’s Republic of China and the Solomon Islands. Various people who had barely heard of the Solomon Islands just a few weeks ago are now expressing grave concern that this small sovereign nation could be used as a pawn by an aggressive and expansionist China in its bid […]

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Why China stands firm on dynamic zero-COVID policy

May 2, 2022 CEN_com 0

“China is probably the first and the only nation in the world to take the suspicion of ‘must have something sinister’ for being too good at its work in fighting covid. Why? Because China’s dynamic zero policy is running against the world accepted measures like ‘living with the virus’ or simply, do nothing. What is dynamic zero policy? To put it in a simple way, it is about rapid response […]

China approves 6 new nuclear power projects

May 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

Six reactors approved for launch in three cities to support clean energy transition With the future power supply growth coming mostly from nonfossil energy in China as the country is going through a green energy transition, nuclear power will be crucial for China to reach its carbon peak goal by 2030, said analysts. After years of preparations, comprehensive assessment and review, approval has been granted for projects of new nuclear […]