‘China’s economic collapse’ fantasy

August 26, 2023 CEN_com 0

Ignore Western headlines about ‘China’s economic collapse’ Once again, the Western media Establishment, and sadly some on “the left”, are talking up an impending economic disaster in China, when the truth is quite the opposite, as China-based economist John Ross shows. In the last four years, covering the period of the Covid pandemic, China’s economy has grown two-and-a-half times as fast as the US, 15 times as fast as France, […]

Fiji says no to Fukushima waste

August 26, 2023 CEN_com 0

Fijians say no to dumping Japan’s nuclear wastewater in Pacific. “Keep our Pacific nuclear-free!” Hundreds of Fijian people marched on the streets of Suva, raising their voices strongly against Japan’s dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean 

Beijing region air quality improves

August 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

Beijing Daily reports: According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the average number of days with good air quality in the #Beijing–#Tianjin–#Hebei region and its surrounding areas in July this year exceeded 50%.

China light-rail starts in Israel

August 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), another Chinese construction giant, built the line’s east segment and several underground stations, and will also take charge of the 14-year operation and maintenance together with China’s Shenzhen Metro and the Israeli partner Tevel Metro. “It is the first time that a Chinese company has won an urban rail transit operation and maintenance project in a developed country,” said Kang Wei, general manager of […]

BRI cooperation: China & Sth Africa

August 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

China and South Africa share a deep-rooted friendship. Since diplomatic relations were established 25 years ago, cooperation between the two countries has continued to expand across various fields. That expansion has been accelerated under China’s Belt and Road Initiative CGTN Global Watch, Aug 22, 2023 Watch VIDEO: https://youtu.be/bEOR6yZTy80

BRI cooperation: China & Sth Africa

August 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

China and South Africa share a deep-rooted friendship. Since diplomatic relations were established 25 years ago, cooperation between the two countries has continued to expand across various fields. That expansion has been accelerated under China’s Belt and Road Initiative CGTN Global Watch, Aug 22, 2023 Watch VIDEO: https://youtu.be/bEOR6yZTy80

Our media links

August 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

WEB SITE: SOCIAL MEDIA: You can find us at our Facebook group At our VK site (VKontakte, Russian for InContact) At our CEN Library Archive group EMAIL: We can be contacted by email at

Mitigation derails climate talks

August 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

‘Unavoidable’ change Mitigation Climate finance Global stocktake (GST) Loss and damage Adaptation Road to COP28 Source: Carbon Brief, 16 June 2023. ‘Bonn climate talks: Key outcomes from the June 2023 UN climate conference’. https://www.carbonbrief.org/bonn-climate-talks-key… https://www.facebook.com/groups/china.environment.net/posts/6554623941258577/