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China key to Vietnam’s solar success

July 8, 2021 CEN_com 0

Vietnam has been a Southeast Asia solar success story. It went from having barely any generation in 2018 to a quarter of its total installed capacity being solar – a 100-fold increase in two years. This rapid growth is mainly down to the Vietnamese government’s feed-in tariff which provides a guaranteed above-market price for renewable energy producers; other incentives signed off in 2017 in an attempt to pivot away from lagging fossil fuel projects; and cheaper solar […]

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Surge in terrorist attacks on Hong Kong as 9 arrested making bombs

July 7, 2021 CEN_com 0

BREAKING NEWS: NINE PEOPLE, including six secondary students, were arrested today (6 July 2021) making major explosives for use in Hong Kong. On 1 July, Hong Kong suffered its first-ever suicide terrorist attack. The suicide attack happened in Hong Kong Island’s busiest spot. The terrorist attempted to murder an on-duty police officer by stabbing him in the back. The terrorist then killed himself. The suicide attack came only two days […]

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China’s Southern Electricity Grid: facilitating more clean energy

July 6, 2021 CEN_com 0

One of China’s largest state-owned electricity distributors is using more market mechanisms to increase the penetration of clean energy China has embarked on an ambitious quest to cap carbon emissions by 2030 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. As a result, the need for energy transition and to absorb more non-fossil “clean energy”, which includes nuclear, hydro and renewable energy in a more liberalised and integrated power market has […]

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Did China’s coal consumption really threaten the Paris Climate Agreement targets?

July 4, 2021 CEN_com 0

No so long ago the Western news media was full of stories of how China was “ramping up coal power” and claims that this was a threat to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement targets. The story was run by the Financial Times and the UK Government controlled BBC, among others. Of course, the media versions ignored detail in the report that the stories were based on, Out of Step – […]

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Guangdong turns inky rivers into scenic spots

July 4, 2021 CEN_com 0

Southern China’s Guangdong province has been striving to address its water pollution through systematic moves over a half decade, with efforts from both the government and the public. For years, Huo Hanyu’s canoe team had been roaming the waterbodies of southern China’s Guangdong province and other provinces in order to train. There were many training bases to choose from, but the only one the team could not pick was in the city […]

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China takes “hugely important” steps for fighting climate change: U.S. expert

July 4, 2021 CEN_com 0

“In the Chinese government there is complete acceptance of the basic science of climate change, no lack of belief in science“ WASHINGTON, June 9 (Xinhua) — From clean energy technologies to emissions trading program, the Chinese government is taking some steps that are “hugely important” for fighting climate change, a leading U.S. expert has said. “Those include its renewable energy policy which leads the world. The deployment of renewable power […]

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Chinese electric battery giant to build ‘gigafactories’ in England, France

July 3, 2021 CEN_com 0

Plans were announced this week for two new electric car battery plants in France and Britain involving Envision, the Shanghai-based company that has quietly built a global renewable energy empire. CGTN has reports: Nissan has launched plans for a vast battery plant, known as a gigafactory, in northeastern England, where it will manufacture new electric vehicles as companies and governments accelerate away from fossil-fuel cars. Chinese battery supplier Envision AESC […]

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Central Asia’s largest wind power project in Kazakhstan connected to the grid

July 3, 2021 CEN_com 0

Central Asia’s largest wind power project with a generating capacity of 100 MW was connected to the grid on 20 June 2021. The power project, with a total of 40 wind turbines, near the city of Zhanatas, Kazakhstan was built by a Chinese firm and is jointly owned by local company Visor Kazakhstan and China Power International Holding. The joint venture is responsible for the development, construction and operation of the […]

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China pauses squid fishing in Pacific, Atlantic breeding grounds for second year

July 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

CGTN reported on 29 June 2021 that China will launch a voluntary fishing moratorium on the high seas from July this year to preserve squid resources in open waters, according to China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs which regulates fishing. From July 1 to September 30, the fishing ban will be observed in part of the high seas of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean outside the exclusive economic zones of […]

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China eliminates malaria

July 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

The World Health Organization (WHO) on 29 June 2021 certified China as free of malaria, after a decades long effort that saw an estimated annual toll of 30 million cases in the 1940s, including 300,000 deaths, to zero in 2017. Along the way, China developed new surveillance techniques, medicines, and technologies to break the cycle of transmission between the Anopheles mosquitoes that spread malaria parasites and humans. After maintaining zero indigenous cases […]