No evidence Covid from Chinese lab

June 24, 2023 CEN_com 0

US INTELLIGENCE REPORT The US National Intelligence Council and four other US intel agencies previously concluded that human contact with an infected animal was the “most likely” cause of the Covid pandemic. This stance has been bolstered by the latest report by the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on 23 June 2023. The ODNI published its review on Friday, after investigating “potential links” between the Covid-19 […]

Zimbabwe: green energy with China’s help

June 23, 2023 CEN_com 0

Zimbabwe is facing a chronic power shortage crisis, with frequent power outages lasting up to 17 hours a day in major cities, due to a lack of additional power generation capacity and aging power plants. The country is highly dependent on petroleum and electricity imports, as it lacks hydrocarbon resources and has an inefficient electricity infrastructure. Moreover, most of the population in rural areas lacks access to electricity. International Institute […]

China’s efficient socialist economy

June 22, 2023 CEN_com 0

The difficulty the U.S. faces in its current attempts to damage China’s economy was analysed in detail by John Ross in his article “The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide”. Reduced to essentials, the U.S. problem is that it possesses no external economic levers powerful enough to derail China’s economy. The U.S. has attempted tariffs, technology sanctions, political provocations over Taiwan, the actual or threatened banning of companies […]

Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan

June 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

Impact of climate change on farming and rural development for the Russian North In Russia climate change is generally not perceived or discussed only as a risk. On the contrary it is expected to have a positive effect on Russia’s farming sector. International scientists have also found that while climate change threatens to stunt agricultural production in the west, this might be a different story in Russia, at least in […]

Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan

June 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

Published 2023/06/20 Impact of climate change on farming and rural development for the Russian North In Russia climate change is generally not perceived or discussed only as a risk. On the contrary it is expected to have a positive effect on Russia’s farming sector. International scientists have also found that while climate change threatens to stunt agricultural production in the west, this might be a different story in Russia, at least […]

China backs Persian Gulf naval alliance

June 19, 2023 CEN_com 0

Joint Iranian-Arab naval exercises are indicative of an important geopolitical shift taking place in West Asia (the Middle East). Qatar’s Al-Jadid news website reported on 2 June 2023 that Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirites (UAE), and Oman, in coordination with China, will form a joint navy to protect security in the Persian Gulf. On 6 June 2023, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that China is in favor of the concept of a […]

Ukrainian agriculture damaged for decades

June 18, 2023 CEN_com 0

CONTINUATION OF BLACK SEA GRAIN DEAL IN DOUBT The conflict with Russia is estimated to have caused at least $9 billion in damage to the sector, and agricultural production in Ukraine may not return to pre-conflict levels until 2050. Kiev School of Economics According to an Agricultural Outlook report released this week by the Center for Food and Land Use Research at the Kiev School of Economics its calculations indicate […]

Rich West derails Bonn climate talks

June 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

Disgreement on financing climate change mitigation derails Bonn climate talks UN climate negotiations in the German city of Bonn were “at risk of collapse” early in the week as nations could not agree on an agenda. Carbon Brief The squabbles at Bonn’s World Conference Centre were steeped in history. Many related to long-standing grievances over the provision of money that developing countries say they need in order to cut their emissions. A […]

Russian Far East to grow China trade

June 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

Key Russian Far East region announces big plans for China trade CHINA RUSSIA COOPERATION Russia’s Far East Primorsky region has announced it is seeking partners in China for an ambitious development project that would turn the city of Vladivostok into a major center of the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, effective from 1 June 2023, China approved the Russian port of Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East as a cross-border transit […]

Egypt dumps US dollar in BRICS trade

June 14, 2023 CEN_com 0

Egypt is in talks to use local currencies with India, China, and Russia. Egypt is planning to shift away from the US dollar in mutual trade with several member states of the BRICS economic bloc, Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy said Monday, as quoted by Reuters. According to Minister Moselhy, Egypt is seeking to use local currencies to pay for its imports from India, China, and Russia – key members […]