Striving for low-carbon agriculture: China’s story

February 10, 2022 CEN_com 0

The following article by agricultural scientists, Professors Pan Genxing and Cheng Kun, of the Institute of Resource, Ecosystem and Environment of Agriculture at Nanjing Agricultural University, China, is republished from China Dialogue. Based on the changes discussed in the following article, they are confident that green agriculture in China has a bright future, and calculate that: Increasing carbon in the soil, reducing fertiliser use and using straw for biochar and […]

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China to build thousands more ecological farms by 2025

February 10, 2022 CEN_com 0

BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) — China plans to build more ecological farms in the coming years to advance modernization and green development in the agricultural sector, said a guideline published Wednesday by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. China aims to build 1,000 national ecological farms and 10,000 local ones nationwide by 2025. They will be agriculture production and operation entities, targeting maximum sustainable output while seeking to match […]

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China’s top economic planner issues notice on urban environmental infrastructure construction

February 10, 2022 CEN_com 0

China will promote further construction of urban environmental infrastructure to support green development. China will establish a comprehensive, efficient, intelligent, green and safe modern environmental infrastructure system by 2030, according to guidelines issued by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and three other government bodies. By 2025, they said China would build an environmental infrastructure system integrating sewage, garbage, solid waste, hazardous waste and medical waste treatment facilities as […]

China’s push to green consumption

February 7, 2022 CEN_com 0

From farmhouse upgrades to electric vehicle sales blitzes in the countryside, the world’s second-largest economy wants its rural consumers to start spending green. A shift has been rippling through China’s enormous middle class in recent years, moving it towards responsible consumerism. Keen to encourage this momentum, the Chinese central government has decided that it will vigorously push for people to practise “green and low-carbon consumption” in all areas of life.  A recent policy guideline, jointly […]

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China maps five-year plan for transportation development

February 7, 2022 CEN_com 0

China outlined a modern comprehensive transportation system over the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period in a circular recently issued. According to the circular, by 2025, China will have generally realized integrated transportation development, achieved breakthroughs in pursuing intelligent and green transportation, and made prominent improvements in overall capability, service quality and efficiency of the transportation sector. By that time, China will have made a further step on its road to […]

China explores involving communities in mangrove restoration

February 4, 2022 CEN_com 0

China’s management of mangroves is shifting from planting areas of trees to restoration and protection of ecosystems – how can livelihoods be ensured while protecting mangroves? What role can local communities play in managing mangrove restoration? The following article from republished from China Dialogue (February 2, 2022) discusses the challenges. The world’s mangroves have been disappearing at an alarming rate. China has been working hard to reverse that trend. Over […]

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Tonga eruption may damage environment for years – China sends more disaster assistance

February 1, 2022 CEN_com 0

Ecological damage The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said it was extremely concerned about the potential impact the massive volcanic eruption in Tonga will have on agriculture and fisheries in the area. The FAO noted that around 86 percent of Tonga residents are engaged in some form of agriculture, whether it is through crops, livestock or fisheries. The FAO said ashfall can have detrimental effects on crops and livestock […]

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Belt and Road: China to help Nicaragua build housing for thousands poor and working families

January 31, 2022 CEN_com 0

China has signed an agreement with Nicaragua to build thousands of homes for poor and working families, expanding an existing public housing program in the Central American nation. Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government has signed a 3 year agreement with China to build thousands of homes for poor and working families, expanding the already existing Bismarck Martínez public housing program, Nicaraguan vice president Madam Rosario Murillo announced on January 28, 2022. […]

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China to have unified electricity market system by 2025

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

China aims to initially build a unified electricity market system by 2025 to enable optimized power resource allocation in a wider scope and improve the stability and flexibility of the power system, according to guidelines released Friday (2022-01-28) “Efforts will be made to enhance the adaptability of the electricity market to a high proportion of new energy sources, and for the creation of innovate mechanisms to carry out green power […]

Geothermal green heating part of China’s decarbonization plans

January 27, 2022 CEN_com 0

“China is adopting geothermal because geothermal district heating is by far the most economic means of heating available … It also answers China’s fundamental policy of carbon neutrality and combating air pollution.” City of Xian geothermal district heating The city of Xian’s geothermal district heating in Shaanxi Province China serves as an example of the country’s decarbonization plans. China’s commitment that it would strive to peak its carbon dioxide emissions […]