China makes significant strides in modernization drive

January 26, 2022 CEN_com 0

Provincial-level regions across China have hosted their annual legislative and political consultative meetings in recent weeks, underlining sci-tech innovation, common prosperity, further opening up and green development, as the country works in full throttle to achieve its second centenary goal. The year 2021 was a milestone year for China, marking a fresh start. Upon completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, the world’s most populous country […]

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China’s approach of rural revitalization

January 24, 2022 CEN_com 0

Winning the “war” in the fight against poverty has become a common action of the whole society. Its victory is a manifestation of the institutional advantages of socialism in concentrating its efforts on major events and the party’s advantages in consolidating social consensus. It is a phased strategic goal. However, economic and social development has certain objective laws. In particular, Chinese society will still be in the primary stage of socialism […]

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FAO and China agree to implement Phase 3 of South-South Cooperation

January 20, 2022 CEN_com 0

The agreement marks the official launch of Phase III of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme after China’s announcement of an additional $50 million in funding The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has signed an agreement with the Chinese Government officially launching Phase III of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme. The General Agreement was signed by the Director-General of FAO, Qu Dongyu and the Minister of […]

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Rising ground-level ozone pollution causes crop loss worth $63b in East Asia

January 19, 2022 CEN_com 0

Rising ozone pollution at ground level (technically, the “boundary layer” of the troposhere) is having a devastating impact on agriculture in East Asia, causing a crop production loss of nearly $63 billion annually, which may exacerbate food insecurity and health risk in the region.  Ground ozone, a greenhouse gas known for contributing massively to climate change, also impacts the growth of crops. A team of researchers studied the impact of […]

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Chinese courts introduce punitive damages in environment lawsuits

January 19, 2022 CEN_com 0

Shared by on Facebook BEIJING — A judicial explanation issued by China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) on Thursday confirmed that polluters will have to pay punitive damages to the victims in environment lawsuits. The move aims to punish and deter offenders as well as to fully compensate victims who suffer personal or financial loss due to environmental damage, said Yang Linping, vice president of the SPC, at a press […]

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Why there are no urban slums in China

January 13, 2022 CEN_com 0

China has not seen the emergence of urban slums as in many capitalist countries, but instead, there has been a narrowing gap between urban and rural areas.The Chinese government is committed to rural revitalization and to reducing the urban-rural income gap and developmental imbalance. The attached article proposes a concept of “Neo-ruralism” as a way to rebuild urban-rural relations and address the problem of uncoordinated development. Urban-rural relations in China […]

Guano and the West’s opening of the Pacific

December 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

The 19th century search for fertilizer drove imperialist expansion and ecological destruction Climate & Capitalism: Ecosocialist Discussion BOOK REVIEW by Martin Empson Author: Gregory T. CushmanGUANO AND THE OPENING OF THE PACIFIC WORLDA Global Ecological History In the last two decades it has been common, in Marxist books on ecology, to find discussions of how capitalist agriculture developed an urgent need for fertilizers to solve the crisis of soil fertility […]

Protect or hunt? Environmental management of wild boars in China

December 23, 2021 CEN_com 0

Crop-eating wild boars have been a headache for local villagers for years in Tongjiang, a mountainous county nestled in southwest China’s Sichuan Province. “If they don’t come tonight, they will come tomorrow night, or the day after tomorrow. They will come anyway,” said villager Ma Xingquan. He also said that wild boars will not stop coming down to the village until there’s nothing left to eat in the field. Another […]

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China light-splitting greenhouse also generates solar power to run the greenhouse’s operation

December 18, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese researchers have developed a new type of light-splitting greenhouse roof that can allow visible light to enter while converting near-infrared light into electricity. A group of researchers from the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, developed this new greenhouse covering structure based on the solar spectral splitting utilization, according to China Science Daily. Visible light, with a wavelength from […]

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“Ecological Bank” brings benefits to Chinese farmers – opens another door for green funding

December 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Liangshan Bank Thanks to the local “Liangshan Bank,” green resources that were once deemed useless by farmers are now assets. The name “Liangshan Bank,” or “the bank of two mountains,” came from the “two mountains” concept of Chinese leadership, according to which “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.” Apart from being a traditional lender, Liangshan Bank acts as a platform to integrate green resources and transform them into […]