Extreme weather hits south and east Asia

April 27, 2024 CEN_com 0

This extreme weather comes as the World Meteorological Organization published a report warning that climate change is causing major repercussions across Asia. SOUTHERN CHINA HEAVY RAINFALL AND FLOODING INTENSE HEATWAVE ACROSS SOUTH AND EASTERN ASIA. Source: Carbon Debrief, Apr 26, 2024.

Extreme weather hits south and east Asia

April 27, 2024 CEN_com 0

This extreme weather comes as the World Meteorological Organization published a report warning that climate change is causing major repercussions across Asia. SOUTHERN CHINA HEAVY RAINFALL AND FLOODING INTENSE HEATWAVE ACROSS SOUTH AND EASTERN ASIA. Source: Carbon Debrief, Apr 26, 2024.

Climate catastrophes: China hit by floods

April 12, 2024 CEN_com 0

World facing climate catastrophes? China hit by floods Published 2022/08/19 LEVELS OF RAINFALL IN CHINA NOT SEEN SINCE THE EARLY 1960S. Authorities across much of southern China have issued weather advisories for heavy rain and severe flooding. Over 80 rivers have already seen waters exceed warning levels after days of heavy rains. Over 1.79 million people in central China’s Hunan Province have been affected by heavy rain and more than […]

BRICS grain exchange proposal

April 3, 2024 CEN_com 0

Proposal for a BRICS grain exchange: High-tech digital marketplace In recent years, the international status of agriculture in the BRICS countries has continuously improved. As far back as 2018, the gross agricultural production of the BRICS countries accounted for more than 50% of the world’s total. Further strengthening the developing cooperation of the BRICS countries is of great significance for ensuring global food security A Russian proposal for a BRICS […]

China’s campaign to reduce food wastes

March 30, 2024 CEN_com 0

How to reduce food wastes? China’s “clear your plate” campaign More than 1.05 BILLION tonnes of food were wasted worldwide in 2022. In other words, each person wasted more than 132 kilograms of food on average. That astonishing number came to spotlight with the release of a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report days ahead of the the International Day of Zero Waste on March 30. How can we stop this […]

Why China’s Water Usage Matters

March 22, 2024 CEN_com 0

Led by Zhang Jianyun, an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering , a research team has delved into the concept of water peaking, which refers to the point where water consumption reaches a maximum and then stabilizes or declines. This phenomenon is vital for comprehending the future of China’s water resources. The researchers analyzed China’s water usage patterns, identifying three distinct phases: a period of rapid growth, a stable growth […]

Three Zones Environmental Guidelines

March 18, 2024 CEN_com 0

China’s New ‘Three Zones’ for Environmental Protection Guidelines (UPDATED) Further information on the China’s Guidelines on region-specific environmental management has been provided on March 18, 2024 by Ying Xue from the China Ecological Civilization newsletter on Substack. The newsletter reports that the guidelines, titled “关于加强生态环境分区管控的意见” Guidelines on Strengthening Ecological Environment Zoning Management and Control, provide for three categories of zones. The first category is “生态环境优先保护单元” or Ecological Environment Protection Priority Zone, which will be determined by […]

China ecological monitoring

March 17, 2024 CEN_com 0

China to establish modern ecological environment monitoring system by 2035 China will exert great efforts to establish a modern ecological environment monitoring system by 2035 for building “Beautiful China,” according to a document released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) in Beijing on Friday. Beautiful China Currently, three monitoring indicators for evaluating “Beautiful China” have been proposed, including healthy ecosystem, beautiful environment as well as green and low-carbon […]

Push to globalize China’s seed industry

March 9, 2024 CEN_com 0

Beijing’s pledge to keep China’s “rice bowl” firmly in the hands of its people has been backed with numerous actions, including the protection of arable land, expansion of farming acreage and more widespread use of technology. The South China Morning Post points out that seed industry is deemed to be “strategic and fundamental”, and the vitalisation of seeds is a major feature of the country’s quest to ensure its food security. It […]

Taoist Ecological Thought and Permaculture

February 27, 2024 CEN_com 0

Taoist Ecological Thought and the West’s Concept of Permaculture:Interview with former Belgian Ambassador to China Patrick Nijs is a former Belgian ambassador to China, and lifetime honorary ambassador and co-founder of the EU-China Joint Innovation Center in Brussels. He has been a witness to China’s reform and opening up since 1997, when he first came to China. A staunch environmentalist, he chose to stay in China and work in the […]