Reduce agricultural seed imports: China

July 11, 2023 CEN_com 0

Experts urge China to diversify its seed imports amid rising geopolitical tensions and climate disasters Looking to reduce its reliance on foreign suppliers for critical foodstuffs, China is growing more innovative and bold. An article in the South China Morning Post recently looked at the importance of seeds and agritech advancements.  China is the world’s second largest seed consumer behind the United States, accounting for about 70% of the corn […]

Protecting grasslands – China leads world

July 6, 2023 CEN_com 0

China’s grassland ecological compensation policy improves grassland quality and increases herders’ income The grasslands of China are a vital ecological and social-economic resource, covering 40% of the national area and serving as an ecological barrier in the north and northwest border of China. The grasslands have multiple functions, including adjusting climate, preserving water resources, fixing carbon and releasing oxygen, and mitigating wind and sand dusts – for the big northern […]

China: Protecting grassland biodiversity

July 4, 2023 CEN_com 0

Pastures green China boasts some 400 million hectares of grassland, accounting for 42% of China’s total land area, making it the second-largest terrestrial carbon sink after forests in the country.Grasslands are distributed mainly in the temperate regions and the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Human activities and climate change have adversely impacted 90% of the country’s grassland areas, which support a range of ecological services. the livelihoods of millions of people and are […]

Industrialization of colonial agriculture

June 29, 2023 CEN_com 0

The industrialization of agriculture by capitalism and Metabolic Rift. The industrialization of agriculture in the nineteenth century rested upon the long historical emergence of capitalism as a distinct socioeconomic order. An extract from Capitalism and Robbery: The Expropriation of Land, Labor, and Corporeal Life, by John Bellamy Foster et al, Monthly Review, Dec 01, 2019. See also: The review of Guano and the opening of the Pacific world, recently shared […]

Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan

June 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

Impact of climate change on farming and rural development for the Russian North In Russia climate change is generally not perceived or discussed only as a risk. On the contrary it is expected to have a positive effect on Russia’s farming sector. International scientists have also found that while climate change threatens to stunt agricultural production in the west, this might be a different story in Russia, at least in […]

Ukrainian agriculture damaged for decades

June 18, 2023 CEN_com 0

CONTINUATION OF BLACK SEA GRAIN DEAL IN DOUBT The conflict with Russia is estimated to have caused at least $9 billion in damage to the sector, and agricultural production in Ukraine may not return to pre-conflict levels until 2050. Kiev School of Economics According to an Agricultural Outlook report released this week by the Center for Food and Land Use Research at the Kiev School of Economics its calculations indicate […]

Clean heating in rural China

June 9, 2023 CEN_com 0

This year marks the ten-year anniversary of a government campaign to clean up China’s heating systems. Until 2013, rural households in northern China generally burned coal for heat, with each stockpiling hundreds of kilograms in the run-up to winter. Burning coal in small domestic stoves can create ten times as much pollution as doing so in a power plant. Household burning of the fuel was also a major cause of winter smog. […]

China protects special regions

June 3, 2023 CEN_com 0

Laws for the ecological protection of special regions In late April 2023 China’s top legislature adopted a law to protect the fragile ecosystem of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This is the latest of China’s environmental laws for 4 key ecological regions. The first of be enacted was the Yangtze River Protection Law, followed by the Yellow River Protection Law, the Black Soil Land Conservation Law, and now the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Ecological […]

Green lessons from China’s farmers

May 27, 2023 CEN_com 0

UN Food & Agriculture Oranization draws lessons from China’s farmers in green growth transformation China’s experiences of agriculture green growth have generated vital lessons for farmers nationally and globally, reveals a new series of reports from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Investment Centre. Featuring case studies of farmer empowerment and land regeneration throughout China, the series showcases how some of China’s 250 million smallholders are […]

Food security: protecting China’s soils

May 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

China launches national soil survey to protect arable land Originally Posted August 7, 2022 After rapid development and intensive farming, China is to carry out a new national soil survey to help with its food security and carbon targets. China Dialogue recently published an article by three Chinese scientists. The authors are soil science experts – Chen Nengchang and He Xiaoxia are with the Guangdong Institute of Eco-environmental and Soil […]