Russia’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan

June 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

Published 2023/06/20 Impact of climate change on farming and rural development for the Russian North In Russia climate change is generally not perceived or discussed only as a risk. On the contrary it is expected to have a positive effect on Russia’s farming sector. International scientists have also found that while climate change threatens to stunt agricultural production in the west, this might be a different story in Russia, at least […]

China backs Persian Gulf naval alliance

June 19, 2023 CEN_com 0

Joint Iranian-Arab naval exercises are indicative of an important geopolitical shift taking place in West Asia (the Middle East). Qatar’s Al-Jadid news website reported on 2 June 2023 that Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirites (UAE), and Oman, in coordination with China, will form a joint navy to protect security in the Persian Gulf. On 6 June 2023, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that China is in favor of the concept of a […]

Rich West derails Bonn climate talks

June 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

Disgreement on financing climate change mitigation derails Bonn climate talks UN climate negotiations in the German city of Bonn were “at risk of collapse” early in the week as nations could not agree on an agenda. Carbon Brief The squabbles at Bonn’s World Conference Centre were steeped in history. Many related to long-standing grievances over the provision of money that developing countries say they need in order to cut their emissions. A […]

Russian Far East to grow China trade

June 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

Key Russian Far East region announces big plans for China trade CHINA RUSSIA COOPERATION Russia’s Far East Primorsky region has announced it is seeking partners in China for an ambitious development project that would turn the city of Vladivostok into a major center of the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, effective from 1 June 2023, China approved the Russian port of Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East as a cross-border transit […]

Egypt dumps US dollar in BRICS trade

June 14, 2023 CEN_com 0

Egypt is in talks to use local currencies with India, China, and Russia. Egypt is planning to shift away from the US dollar in mutual trade with several member states of the BRICS economic bloc, Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy said Monday, as quoted by Reuters. According to Minister Moselhy, Egypt is seeking to use local currencies to pay for its imports from India, China, and Russia – key members […]

Quarterly Journal of Chinese Thought

June 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

Wenhua Zongheng – New English Edition of Quarterly Journal of Chinese Thought launched Wenhua Zongheng is a newly launched international publication bringing together articles originally produced in the mainland China magazine of the same name in Chinese. It is jointly published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, by Wenhua Zongheng, the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, and Dongsheng – which produces the newsletter News on China. The appearance of the international edition of […]

Mexico to join BRICS amid US tensions

June 11, 2023 CEN_com 0

Mexico has expressed interest in joining the five-member BRICS group of emerging economies, amid tensions with its northern neighbor – the United States. Some social media have claimed that Mexico has made the groundbreaking decision to apply to join the BRICS nations, but this has not been officially confirmed. In April 2023 the Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the country shares the vision and values of the BRICS group. He […]

BRICS cooperate on sustainable cities

June 11, 2023 CEN_com 0

Ministers and senior officials from BRICS member states have pledged enhanced partnerships aimed at promoting sustainable urban development in the face of multiple challenges including pollution and climate emergencies. NAIROBI, June 8, 2023 — Ministers and senior officials from BRICS member states on Tuesday pledged enhanced partnerships aimed at promoting sustainable urban development in the face of multiple challenges including pollution and climate emergencies. The ministers and senior officials from […]

BRICS Bank & de-dollarization

June 10, 2023 CEN_com 0

New Development Bank: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe new members The BRICS bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is expanding, and building a new economic architecture to challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar. One of the most important institutions created by the BRICS is the New Development Bank (NDB). This is a Global South-oriented alternative to the World Bank, which is located in and essentially controlled by the […]

Can BRICS prevail over IMF & World Bank?

June 2, 2023 CEN_com 0

BRICS and the rise of Global South Who would have expected that the BRICS nations could rise as potential rivals of the G7 countries, World Bank and IMF combined? But what once seemed a distant possibility now has real prospects, which could change the political equilibrium of world politics. BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. It was supposedly coined by the Chief Economist of Goldman Sachs in 2001 […]