Richard Lewontin, eco-socialism, evolutionary biology and Marxism

December 20, 2021 CEN_com 0

Originally published by: Science for the People by Professor Erik Svensson, November 3, 2021. On July 4, 2021, the great population geneticist and evolutionary biologist Richard Lewontin passed away at the age of 92. Lewontin left a strong political legacy in the United States in addition to his scientific one. He shared this political legacy with his fellow Marxist and comrade Richard Levins, who passed away five years ago and who was […]

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Failure of the Western ‘left’ to understand the cause of environmental crisis

November 16, 2021 CEN_com 0

Readers of China Environment News will be aware that we have always tried to make a clear distinction between Western ‘liberal’ environmentalism and anti-imperialist ecological socialism, as exemplified by China’s integration of ecological civilization in to its approach to socialism. The failure of the Western “left” to break from supporting the anti-China agenda pursued by the US and a relatively small number of subsidiary, rich Western countries, is a topic […]

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China’s vision of eco-civilization can prevent the “end of history”

November 3, 2021 CEN_com 0

Up until now, the world has followed the path founded in the West of industrial civilization. Its primary liberal political-economic model, characterized by unfettered private capital, has too often been eulogized as a perfect creation serving humanity. Indeed, it has been applauded as representing a utopian “end of history” which gives it a false quality of being representative of nature itself. However, continuing down this path, of industrial civilization, will […]

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Nine key moments that changed China’s mind about climate change

October 29, 2021 CEN_com 0

The following article from Carbon Brief gives a very detailed and useful summary of how the Chinese government’s attitude towards climate change, and its understanding of its own responsibilities, have changed over the last two decades. The article is quite long but is well worth the effort for those wishing to understand this important issue. Source: Friends of Socialist China October 26, 2021 Author: Jianqiang previously worked as China Dialogue’s Beijing editor […]

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China’s alternative to the Western liberal model of globalization

October 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

  An extract from Roland Boer’s book Socialism with Chinese Characteristics “What we are currently witnessing is a contest between two models of globalization – between “zero sum” and “win-win”. The former has been the dominant model ever since the era of European colonialism and the era of primitive capital accumulation through colonial plunder, slavery and domination of other parts of the world. By contrast, the Chinese model of “win-win” […]

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The Dawn of Another Age: The Communian

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

An extract from an article published in the Monthly Review Today the moment of truth looms large. We currently reside within a “Great Climacteric”—first identified in the 1980s by geographers Ian Burton and Robert Kates—a long period of crisis and transition in which human society will either generate a stable relation to the Earth System or will experience a civilizational collapse, as part of a great die-down of life on […]

China’s environmental journey: 1972 Stockholm

September 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, in June 1972, was the first major United Nations event featuring the People’s Republic of China. It helped shape the country’s understanding of environmental issues ever since. In 2022, China was set to host a major UN environmental conference, after a delay of more than a year due to Covid-19. The 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD […]

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The role of State-owned enterprises in China

September 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese SOEs are social enterprises that effectively balance the demands of multiple stakeholders. More importantly, China’s institutions provides a better supporting ecosystem for SOEs to reinforce the creation of social value when pursuing value maximization. The Chinese SOEs are able to sacrifice profits and efficiency to fulfill social roles (including environmental ones) when necessary. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are important components of the Chinese economy. Although SOEs are generally considered inefficient […]

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Adapting Marxism to the Chinese Context: the CPC’s perspective

September 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

Source: English Edition of Qiushi Journal, 2021–09–08, By Wang Weiguang  The Communist Party of China (CPC) has undergone an incredible journey over the past century. Adapting Marxism to the Chinese context has been a glorious chapter in CPC’s 100-year history, and an important tool that has enabled the CPC to capture victory after victory and bring about one achievement after another. In his speech at the ceremony marking the centenary of […]

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No Great Wall: on the continuities of the Chinese Revolution

September 11, 2021 CEN_com 0

It is impossible to understand China’s efforts to create an “ecological civilization” without understanding the context of its economic and cultural modernization . To understand China today it is essential to understand the struggle by the Communist Party of China to rapidly modernize that country – just as it is not possible to genuinely understand China’s efforts to create an “ecological civilization” without understanding the context of the economic modernization. […]