China’s new National Park Institute

July 31, 2023 CEN_com 0

China’s Leap Forward in Ecological Conservation. In a groundbreaking move, China will see a new batch of university students enroll this September at the freshly constituted National Park Institute, a first-of-its-kind academic institution dedicated to the preservation and development of the country’s natural ecosystems. Operating under the aegis of the Beijing Forestry University, the National Park Institute is entrusted with a crucial task – to assist the development of China’s National […]

China releases climate Blue Book 2023

July 31, 2023 CEN_com 0

Multiple Climate Change Indicators Reach New Heights in China. During the “Climate Change and Extreme Weather Response” theme forum at the 2023 Ecological Civilization Guiyang International Forum, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) unveiled the China Climate Change Blue Book for 2023. The CMA has released the Blue Book report annually since 2011. The comprehensive report focuses on monitoring data related to climate change in China and globally, covering the atmosphere, […]

Radiation in Fukushima fish unsafe

July 31, 2023 CEN_com 0

Radioactivity in Fukushima fish 180 times safe limit China has been been one of the most out-spoken critics of the release of radioactive wastewater from Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. Some parts of the Western media are just this week reporting that fish with cesium radioactive isotope levels up to 180 times the safe limit have been found in the Fukushima plant port. (see links below to Canadian and UK […]

Extreme heatwaves are ‘new normal’

July 29, 2023 CEN_com 0

NO COUNTRY CAN ACT ALONE: CHINA On 24 July, 2023 Xinhua reported that since June, temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere have continued to rise, and many countries, gripped by the most intense heatwave, have issued high temperature warnings. Forecasts show that 2023 is likely to be the hottest year ever. Xu Huaqing, Director of China’s National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, said that “since 2021, the extreme disasters brought […]

Solar power capacity boosted in China

July 28, 2023 CEN_com 0

SOLAR SURGE China’s solar power installations are expected to “surge” this year, with “the projected new installed capacity being raised from 95-120 gigawatts (GW) to 120-140GW”, according to data released by the China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA), China Daily reported. By comparison, new solar installation in the US was 20GW in 2022. The upgraded forecast came as data from China’s National Energy Administration showed solar growth in the first half of 2023 reaching 78GW, pushing total solar capacity […]

China drought cuts hydropower output

July 28, 2023 CEN_com 0

In major news for China’s electricity system and emissions – and for the world, on 17 July, China’s National Bureau of Statistics  announced that despite overall electricity generation growing 3.8% year-on-year, hydropower output fell by nearly 23%  in the first half of 2023 – the largest drop among all electricity sources. Hydro is China’s largest source of renewable power, accounting for 15% of electricity in 2022. The scale of the drop is so large […]

Protecting China’s ‘unofficial’ wetlands

July 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

Damage done to a wetland in the name of “environmental restoration” raises questions about how China’s lesser-known wetlands are protected. The coastal wetlands on the Linhong estuary, by the Yellow Sea in Lianyungang municipality, provide an important feeding ground and stopover for waterbirds migrating between East Asia and Australia. But in 2021, an “environmental restoration” project put the mudflats at risk of erosion and destruction. They were to be turned […]

US owes world climate reparations

July 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

US climate czar John Kerry recently visited a blistering Beijing for talks on climate change with his Chinese counterpart. The Chinese side expressed optimism over the talks. But the US side has been much more heavy handed. At the same time that Kerry was in Beijing, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan hit out at China. He said that the Asian giant “should not be able to hide behind any kind of claim […]

‘New American Century’- ecocide and war

July 24, 2023 CEN_com 0

Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life. The attempt by the United States to maintain its global domination and its fatally outmoded model of modernity for others to emulate could commit this in two ways. The former is already taking place and accelerating; providing a medium to long term prospect of civilisational collapse if we just carry on as we are. But it […]

Ecocide, war and New American Century

July 24, 2023 CEN_com 0

Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life. The attempt by the United States to maintain its global domination and its fatally outmoded model of modernity for others to emulate could commit this in two ways. The former is already taking place and accelerating; providing a medium to long term prospect of civilisational collapse if we just carry on as we are. But it […]