China’s Tree Planting Policy

May 2, 2024 CEN_com 0

Why does China seem insatiable with trees? In this article Beijing Channel looks at a piece of long-running Chinese policy – it’s decades-long quest to re-forest the country. Before diving into the details, here’s some statistics to show how serious, and successful China has been about planting trees: Now let’s retrace China’s steps and see how exactly China’s been able to pull off this feat. 【1】 The Policies When the […]

‘Sponge cities’ help climate-proof China

April 30, 2024 CEN_com 0

Cover photo: Sanya Mangrove Park – Yu has proposed “sponge cities” that prioritise green space to deal with flooding. Photo by Turenscape Beijing-based landscape architect Kongjian Yu has pioneered the concept of “sponge cities” – urban landscapes designed to soak up storm water, while creating appealing natural spaces Chinese landscape architect Kongjian Yu believes that landscape architects need to take the lead in transforming “grey infrastructure into green infrastructure” if […]

‘Sponge cities’ help climate-proof China

April 30, 2024 CEN_com 0

Cover photo: Sanya Mangrove Park – Yu has proposed “sponge cities” that prioritise green space to deal with flooding. Photo by Turenscape Beijing-based landscape architect Kongjian Yu has pioneered the concept of “sponge cities” – urban landscapes designed to soak up storm water, while creating appealing natural spaces Chinese landscape architect Kongjian Yu believes that landscape architects need to take the lead in transforming “grey infrastructure into green infrastructure” if […]

China explores chemical recycling of plastic

April 23, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese study sees huge potential of chemical recycling in dealing with plastic pollution A recent report has stressed the huge potential of chemical recycling in dealing with plastic pollution, saying the output from the oil-producing recycling approach may potentially equal to two times of that from China’s largest oil production base by 2035. Complied by the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, the report was unveiled as the world celebratesd the 55th […]

China explores chemical recycling of plastic

April 23, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese study sees huge potential of chemical recycling in dealing with plastic pollution A recent report has stressed the huge potential of chemical recycling in dealing with plastic pollution, saying the output from the oil-producing recycling approach may potentially equal to two times of that from China’s largest oil production base by 2035. Complied by the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, the report was unveiled as the world celebrated the […]

China finds mosquito bacteria that fights Dengue and Zika

April 22, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese study discovers bacteria that fights Dengue and Zika in mosquitoes – resident mosquito gut bacteria disarms viruses and stops the spread of diseases Researchers from the Tsinghua University-Peking University Joint Center for Life Sciences in Beijing have discovered a bacterium that live in the gut of some mosquitoes  and secrete an special enzyme that rapidly acidifies the insect’s gut making it so inhospitable that dengue, Zika, and other disease-causing virus cannot […]

China: mosquito bacteria fight Dengue & Zika

April 22, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese study discovers bacteria that fights Dengue and Zika in mosquitoes – resident mosquito gut bacteria disarms viruses and stops the spread of diseases Researchers from the Tsinghua University-Peking University Joint Center for Life Sciences in Beijing have discovered a bacterium that live in the gut of some mosquitoes and secrete an enzyme that rapidly acidifies the insect’s gut making it so inhospitable that dengue, Zika, and other disease-causing virus cannot survive in […]

Green Transport: Ethiopia’s Chinese Electric Buses

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese electric buses introduced to Ethiopia to advance green transport agenda In Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, the city’s mounting gridlock is creating safety and health risks, producing more greenhouse gas emissions and impeding economic development.  Ethiopia became a member of the BRICS bloc of emerging economies on January 1, 2024. In late March 2024, the Ethiopian government launced an electric bus service as part of the countries efforts to […]

Ethiopia’s Chinese Electric Buses

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

Chinese electric buses introduced to Ethiopia to advance green transport agenda In Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, the city’s mounting gridlock is creating safety and health risks, producing more greenhouse gas emissions and impeding economic development.  Ethiopia became a member of the BRICS bloc of emerging economies on January 1, 2024. In late March 2024, the Ethiopian government launced an electric bus service as part of the countries efforts to […]

Sustainability driving China’s next economic transformation

April 20, 2024 CEN_com 0

Writing in the South China Morning Post, analyst Lub Bun Chong reflects on the fact that many Western narratives “red-flag” China’s economic situation but in doing so do not grasp that these are the side-effects of the transformations China initiated in 2014 by ushering in a “new normal” and ditching high GDP targets. Resources that are not wasted on blindly chasing GDP growth are either conserved or judiciously utilised. China’s lower targeted […]