Aging population & farming in China

August 21, 2023 CEN_com 0

Beijing to strengthen food security to satisfy domestic demand and withstand potential US maritime blockade. RIA Novosti news agency (RT ) reports that in a bid to secure a domestic food supply and cut down reliance on foreign imports, China is expanding its farmlands. As explained by the newspaper the China Daily, “the rapidly ageing rural population has made it more challenging for China to ensure food security,” bringing about a decline in […]

West faces long overdue reckoning

August 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

Five major trends illustrate how the world is changing, and that the West must grapple with the reality that it can no longer impose its “leadership” on the world as it once did. The post-Western, multipolar international order is coming to pass. As the world grapples with the implications of this shift in power, the foundations of a great reckoning are taking shape. This reckoning will challenge the long-held beliefs […]

The origin of the BRICS

August 19, 2023 CEN_com 0

A BRICS Chart. BRICS is an acronym for the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The term was coined in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill in his report, Building Better Global Economic BRICs. O’Neill predicted that the fast-growing BRICs countries would collectively dominate the global economy by 2050. Russia, India and China are among the world’s ten largest economies. All five countries are members of the G20, […]

Acknowledge China’s economic power

August 16, 2023 CEN_com 0

Time to acknowledge China’s economic power. The statistical evidence clearly shows that China is the world’s number one economy. Unfortunately, the US and many commentators are unwilling to acknowledge that reality, but future stability depends on acceptance that we are living in a multipolar world. How big is China’s economy today compared to America’s? Despite the regular descriptions of China as “the second biggest economy in the world”, the statistical […]

China’s energy & Malacca Dilemma

August 14, 2023 CEN_com 0

The Malacca Dilemma and China’s energy security. In November 2003, then Chinese President Hu Jintao described China’s energy situation as subject to the “Malacca Dilemma”. Hu was referring to the lack of supply line alternatives and their vulnerability to a naval blockade. Hu Jintao said that “certain powers have all along encroached on and tried to control navigation through the [Malacca] Strait.” Clearly, “certain powers” referred to the United States […]

What BRICS+ entails

August 13, 2023 CEN_com 0

If more countries join BRICS at its next summit in Johannesburg it could set the stage for a more equitable and democratic world order. The next BRICS Summit, to take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from Aug 22 to 24, is expected to mark a major step forward in its development and global impact. The group was established in 2010 by four countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China, which were […]

New cold war at planet’s expense

August 13, 2023 CEN_com 0

Introduction by Friends of Socialist China Following is the editorial from the daily UK socialist newspaper, The Morning Star, published on 7 August 2023. Although the editorial deals with the current hysteria in the UK political establishment over “spying” by Chinese made electric vehicles, most of the commentary is equally applicable to most other Anglo-American media. The newspaper has been a strong supporter of China’s building its unique path to […]

CIA ‘edits’ Wikipedia

August 4, 2023 CEN_com 0

CIA moderating Wikipedia – former editor reveals. Intelligence agencies have been manipulating the online encyclopedia for more than a decade, former editor Larry Sanger has revealed. Wikipedia is one of many tools used by the US liberal establishment and its allies in the intelligence community to wage “information warfare,” the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald. Speaking on Greenwald’s ‘System Update’ podcast, Sanger lamented how the site he helped […]

Australian leaders sellout to US

August 2, 2023 CEN_com 0

 China the real agenda at AUSMIN meeting.  “Australia’s leaders were well aware who is in charge, and it wasn’t them. They knew their role and bent the knee in supplication.“ The Pen The Australia–US Ministerial Meeting (AUSMIN) on the weekend (29 July in Brisbane, Australia) was supposed to be a discussion by partners around issues of mutual Interest. Instead, it Was more like representatives of a vassal state fronting an […]