Australia: AUKUS nuclear waste dump?

July 30, 2023 CEN_com 0

ENVIRONMENT & POLITICS The spectre of an international nuclear waste dump in Australia hangs over AUKUS and what this secretive agreement actually commits Australia to do. The current Australian government is pushing ahead with plans to fully integrate the Australian military with that of the US, and to expand its offensive military capacity in the service of the US regime’s encirclement of China. That much is clear. From an environmental perspective, the […]

China is transforming the world

July 27, 2023 CEN_com 0

In the global battle for ecological survival and equity, China has emerged as the international leader for Green development and ecological civilisation. This is not an accident. Nor is it an accident that an increasing proportion of Western, particularly US anti-China hysteria, is an attempt to disguise and undermine emerging global leadership and success of People’s China. The global environmental crisis is not something that can be reversed simply by […]

US owes world climate reparations

July 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

US climate czar John Kerry recently visited a blistering Beijing for talks on climate change with his Chinese counterpart. The Chinese side expressed optimism over the talks. But the US side has been much more heavy handed. At the same time that Kerry was in Beijing, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan hit out at China. He said that the Asian giant “should not be able to hide behind any kind of claim […]

Significance of CPC for Global Left

July 17, 2023 CEN_com 0

In June 2023, John Ross was one of the recipients of the Special Book Award of China. John Ross is a senior fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He was formerly director of economic policy for the mayor of London. He has written extensively on China’s development and its path to socialism. The following article by John was published in Chinese at, and the English version was […]

US seeks ‘green’ sabotage of China

July 16, 2023 CEN_com 0

Renewable energy less important than stopping Chinese industry. The reality is that the US wants Beijing to adopt an economic strategy that would destroy the basis of China’s growth and ensure its subordination to the US. In this brief but incisive blog post, Canadian anti-imperialist writer Justin Podur unpacks the contradictory remarks made by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen during her visit to Beijing, complaining about China’s use of state subsidies in […]

Singapore – China expand BRI cooperation

July 13, 2023 CEN_com 0

Since Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore in 1978, that country’s relationship with China has gone from strength to strength, anchored by regular high-level exchanges and robust economic ties. Among ASEAN members, Singapore was the first to support and participate in China’s reform and opening-up policy. It is also among the first to publicly voice support for the China-proposed BRI.  The recent official six-day visit to China (March 27 to April 1, […]

Nord Stream: China wants UN probe

July 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

A Chinese envoy to the United Nations on Tuesday reiterated the call for an objective, impartial and professional investigation into the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines in September last year. The explosion “not only poses a direct threat to the security of transnational infrastructure, but also has a negative impact on the ecological environment and shipping safety in related seas” Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent UN representative “It is […]

China Environment News | MR Online

June 25, 2023 CEN_com 0

Published by MR Onlinefrom 2023/11/12 24 to 2022/08/25 Below are links to some articles in Monthly Review that were republished from China Environment News Source:…/cap-china-environment-news/… Courtesy of MRONLINE.ORG

No evidence Covid from Chinese lab

June 24, 2023 CEN_com 0

US INTELLIGENCE REPORT The US National Intelligence Council and four other US intel agencies previously concluded that human contact with an infected animal was the “most likely” cause of the Covid pandemic. This stance has been bolstered by the latest report by the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on 23 June 2023. The ODNI published its review on Friday, after investigating “potential links” between the Covid-19 […]

China’s efficient socialist economy

June 22, 2023 CEN_com 0

The difficulty the U.S. faces in its current attempts to damage China’s economy was analysed in detail by John Ross in his article “The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide”. Reduced to essentials, the U.S. problem is that it possesses no external economic levers powerful enough to derail China’s economy. The U.S. has attempted tariffs, technology sanctions, political provocations over Taiwan, the actual or threatened banning of companies […]