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Washington’s sanctions on Chinese solar panels: US domestic deployment falls by 50% – global prices up by 30-40%

August 17, 2022 CEN_com 0

The US publication pv magazine reported on 16 August 2022 that a large quantity of Chinese solar panels had been seized by US customs authorities. The seizure were carried out under US anti-China legislation, the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” (UFLPA). The legislation is one of many US government actions designed to wage economic warfare against China and to undermine adoption of affordable renewable energy. The US is both […]

Sanctions on Chinese solar – US domestic deployment drops 50%

August 17, 2022 CEN_com 0

Washington’s sanctions on Chinese solar panels: US domestic deployment falls by 50% – global prices up by 30-40% The US publication pv magazine reported on 16 August 2022 that a large quantity of Chinese solar panels had been seized by US customs authorities. The seizure were carried out under US anti-China legislation, the so-called “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act” (UFLPA). The legislation is one of many US government actions designed […]

China vows to honor commitments on climate change – says US must stop finding excuses for its own inaction

August 11, 2022 CEN_com 0

China reiterates commitment to international cooperation on climate change and will honor the promises it has made China refutes U.S. claim that the suspension of climate talks “punishing the whole world Washington can’t speak for world US must stop finding excuses for its inaction on climate change China remains committed to international cooperation on climate change and honors the promises it has made, the top Chinese envoy in Washington said […]

Facebook’s Ukraine “fact-checking” directly funded by Washington regime

August 9, 2022 CEN_com 0

Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, and Meta (Facebook’s official name) announced it had partnered with nine organizations to help it sort fact […]

Nancy Pelosi — Janus of the West

August 9, 2022 CEN_com 0

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus presided over war and peace and was usually depicted as having two faces. The gates of a building in Rome named after him – an open enclosure with gates at each end – were opened in time of war. The following article was first published by Anthony M Leong on Medium, and is republished by China Environment Net with the permission of the author. It is said […]

Our Editorial Perspective 

August 8, 2022 CEN_com 0

Ecological civilization “Global environmental crisis is the product of centuries of Western exploitation of the land, natural resources and labour of the Global South, including the colonized Indigenous Peoples. Seriously tackling the global ecological crisis must involve a global redistribution of power and wealth from the collective West to the Global South. We make no apologies in unequivocally acknowledging that as China has demonstrated, for each country this will require a nationally appropriate […]

Belt and Road – Going Green

August 8, 2022 CEN_com 0

China has responded to calls for a more sustainable BRI. As the developing world strives to meet the Paris Agreement target to limit global warming to below 2 degrees C, there is growing pressure on China to play its part in curbing greenhouse gas emissions. This pressure will only grow as China emerges more decisively as the defacto leader of the Global South and many European Union countries such as […]

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Japan starts construction of nuclear wastewater discharging facility despite opposition

August 5, 2022 CEN_com 0

Japan’s nuclear regulator has authorized a plan to release treated water from crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into sea despite widespread criticism. China Global Television Network reports: The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) began construction of a facility for discharging treated nuclear wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean despite opposition from the local fishing and other communities and neighboring countries. Plant workers started construction of a pipeline […]

The new BRICS alliance: mortal threat to West

August 2, 2022 CEN_com 0

A new global reserve currency will undermine US dollar supremacy. China Environment Net comments:The author of the following article correctly describes the changes that are taking place in the global economy as “the biggest that have been seen since 1945. Yet there is very little discussion of it in the Western press or in political circles.” He asks: “Are Western leaders planning for this? Do they have a strategy for […]

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US pushes dangerously close to war against China

July 30, 2022 CEN_com 0

Late in the evening of 28 July 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a frank phone conversation with US President Joe Biden, during which he once again warned the US about the seriousness and significance of the Taiwan question. The public opinion of the 1.4 billion Chinese people cannot be defied. Those who play with fire will perish by it. It is hoped that the US will be clear-eyed about […]