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The US information war on Russia

April 4, 2022 CEN_com 0

Political Commentary and Geopolitics Article by Laura Ruggeri, 29 March 2022. On March 10, 2022 when CIA director Bill Burns addressed the US Senate and declared “Russia is losing the information war over Ukraine”, he repeated a claim that had already been amplified by Anglo-American media since the start of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine. Though his statement is factually true, it doesn’t tell us why and mainly reflects the […]

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Tanzania-China relations ‘at best in history’ as BRI aligns with Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025

March 30, 2022 CEN_com 0

On March 20, 2022, Tanzanian Minister for Foreign Affairs Liberata Mulamula paid a visit to China via video link, during which, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held video talks with her. The two sides agreed to deepen the bilateral comprehensive cooperative partnership and to further align the Belt and Road Initiative with Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025 and expand bilateral cooperation in agriculture, trade, investment, infrastructure and other fields. […]

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US dollar reserve system begins to unravel

March 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

“By seizing several hundred billion dollars of Russia’s central bank reserves, Washington has put a question mark over the rationale for the existing financial system, and encouraged the rest of the world to ‘rethink currency reserve holdings’ – in plain English, that means to rethink the trillion dollars a year that the rest of the world lends to the United States.” Asia Times “Russia and India took a small but […]

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Solomon Islands and China confirm discussions on possible border security deal

March 26, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Solomon Islands government has confirmed it was “diversifying the country’s security partnership including with China,” and would sign off a number of agreements with China “to further create a secure and safe environment for local and foreign investments.” The growing relationship between the Pacific Island nations and China is evident from the fact that there have already been three successful China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forums. The […]

Can ‘brain-dead’ NATO prolong its life by exploiting China? – Global Times editorial

March 25, 2022 CEN_com 0

NATO is nothing more than a machine for the implementation of the US’ global hegemonic will, which both disparages Europe as a whole and runs counter to Europe’s pursuit of independence and autonomy. As long as NATO exists, there will be no day of peace in Europe and in the world. Is NATO, the biggest promoter of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in any way qualified to point a finger at China, […]

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Russia requires ‘payment in rubles only’ for energy exports to Europe

March 24, 2022 CEN_com 0

Russia plans to abandon all “compromised” currencies in gas payment settlements, it was announced on yesterday (23 March 2022). This followed what Russia said was illegitimate decisions by a number of Western countries to freeze Russia’s assets, which had destroyed all confidence in those “compromised” Western currencies. As a consequence, in future “unfriendly countries” will have to pay for Russian gas in Rubles. Russia’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said this month that Russia […]

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Ukraine war: Where are the peacemakers?

March 23, 2022 CEN_com 0

From the Straits Times, March 19, 2022.By Kishore Mahbubani, Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the author of ‘Has the West Lost It?’ Could we have predicted this war in Ukraine? And could we have prevented it? The simple answer to both these questions is yes. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal and has to be condemned by the international community. And it has been condemned. As […]

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The global energy landscape behind the Russia-Ukraine war

March 22, 2022 CEN_com 0

Context As the recent Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to heat up, the world energy market is experiencing huge tensions. The author points out the stark reality of the global energy landscape behind the war and the urgency for developing countries to build a united community in order to address the issues of global energy equity and justice and the race for influence in the sector. Key Points Within the previous global […]

New independent financial and monetary system to bypass $USD transactions?

March 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Russia-led Eurasia Economic Union has just agreed with China to design the mechanism for an independent financial and monetary system that will by pass US dollar transactions. Say hello to Russian gold and Chinese petroyuan The following article by Pepe Escobar is reproduced from The Cradle, March 15 2022. _______________________________ It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed. On […]

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China’s BRI an opportunity the world can’t afford to miss

March 19, 2022 CEN_com 0

China will work with the international community to continue advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, making the initiative a “belt of development” for the benefit of the world and a “road to happiness” for the people of all countries. This was the key message delivered by Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a press conference on the sidelines of the country’s 2022 “two sessions.” Over the past […]