NATO expansion: truths and lies about US pledges made to Russia in 1991

February 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

Understanding the historical conditions and present strategic context that have led to the stand-off between Russia and the US regime (and its NATO proxy) over Ukraine is crucial to the broader picture of the development of the multipolar world. Central to this is to be able to distortions of historical reality peddled by the US on NATO and its similar strategy of “encirclement” of China. In 1991 as the dissolution […]

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To eradicate global poverty and cut global carbon emissions, rich nations must change their consumption patterns

February 20, 2022 CEN_com 0

Sometimes the aching injustice of human-caused climate change hits you square between the eyes. A new fact rears up that is potent, emotive and incontrovertible. That is how Carbon Brief introduced an article this week on the massive global inequality in Green House Gas emissions between people in rich and poor countries – an issue that China Environment since its beginning has emphasized as central to tackling global environmental crises. […]

China and Papua New Guinea deepen Belt and Road cooperation

February 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

Papua New Guinea formally joined the Belt and Road Initiative in 2018, and was the second Pacific island nation to sign up to the initiative after East Timor. China has expressed its willingness to expand cooperation with Papua New Guinea in such fields as infrastructure, energy resources, agriculture, forestry and fishery, and welcomes more high-quality fishery products from Papua New Guinea to enter the Chinese market, according to Xinhua. PNG’s […]

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New Zealand defies wrath of Anglosphere to sign major new trade deal with China

February 17, 2022 CEN_com 0

New Zealand – China Free Trade Agreement updated and ratified China and New Zealand have ratified an upgrade of their long-standing trade deal. The FTA was first signed with New Zealand in 2008 and it was the first such agreement between China and a Western country. Negotiations to upgrade it started in 2016. On 15 February 2022, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said the two nations had completed domestic approval procedures and […]

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ASEAN nations using Laos-China Railway for ‘green’, low-carbon freight

February 14, 2022 CEN_com 0

Business operators from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myanmar are now using the Laos-China Railway to import and export goods to and from China and beyond. Over 100,000 tonnes of cross-border goods have been shipped via the railway since it became operational in December, 2021. In early December 2021, Laos inaugurated the Boten-Vientiane railway, a 414-kilometer (km) electrified high-speed railway that runs between the capital Vientiane and the town of Boten […]

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$117.5 billion China-Russia energy deal dumps US Dollar for the Euro

February 13, 2022 CEN_com 0

On 6 Feb 2022 China Environment reported about China and Russia announcing significant strengthening of cooperation between the two nations in the energy sector, with major long term oil and gas deals between the two nations being signed. The Chinese President said that China and Russia should strengthen joint innovations in major energy technologies, as a way for both countries to ensure energy security. This was a clear reference to the need for […]

Forget ‘BRI debt trap’ – US controlled World Bank / IMF is the REAL debt trap

February 13, 2022 CEN_com 0

Forget the fake Western claims about China’s Belt & Road Initiative: the US controlled World Bank and International Monetary Fund have been bankrupting and enslaving developing nations with crippling debt, “austerity” and financial colonialism for 70 years. While supposedly an “international organisation”, all appointments to the Board of the World Bank World must be approved by the US Congress, and the Bank has been, since its creation, headquartered in Washington […]

The end of US neo-liberalism – the meaning of Biden’s change in US economic policy

February 12, 2022 CEN_com 0

In the US President Biden is carrying out a revolution in economic policy which, without openly acknowledging it, in fact admits the failure of US the neo-liberal economic policies pursued during the last 40 years. Entirely abandoning the neo-liberal goal of “small government” Biden has unleashed the greatest increase in peacetime government spending in US history. This scale of increase in US government spending today entirely dwarfs previous peacetime US […]

US calls for China to adopt policy to kill millions of Chinese by Covid in name of “human rights”

February 11, 2022 CEN_com 0

The following article was published by John Ross in Learning From China. It was orginally appeared in Chinese at on 29 January 2022. ******* Few issues show more clearly the real difference between the pro-human oriented policies of socialism in China and pro-capital oriented policies of the U.S. than the two countries response to the Covid pandemic. The U.S., while verbally proclaiming support for “human rights”, is actively campaigning for a […]

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China’s response to climate change encourages others

February 9, 2022 CEN_com 0

Climate change is a real challenge facing all nations alike now. The temperature is rising in cities and various adverse effects including untimely rainfall, heatwaves, droughts, storms, floods, wildfires, and crop failures are being observed across the world. It is really distressing that during the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from October 31 to November 13, 2021, held in […]