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Western cultural imperialism poisoning Hong Kong

June 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

China Daily Interview with Laura Ruggeri — 23 April 2021 Electoral reform: 1.The National People’s Congress’ decision on Hong Kong’s electoral reform was made to ensure the principle of “patriots administering the city” will be implemented. How do you see the necessity of the changes to the city’s existing electoral system? The HK electoral system was a hybrid system that didn’t please anyone. Which is hardly surprising because by definition […]

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Fort Detrick and COVID-19: Why do the Chinese want an investigation?

June 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

The U.S. has yet to let go of the “lab leak theory” on COVID-19 origin. After the WHO-China joint research concluded that it’s a waste of time to look into this dead-end theory in March, U.S. President Joe Biden followed his predecessor Donald Trump and called for another investigation on the Wuhan-based biolab. But many U.S. biolabs are also among suspects of leakage, and many Chinese people have put a question mark […]

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Biden’s China obsession could be the undoing of America

June 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

Collaboration with China has been good for the US and its people in the past, and should be again It’s hard to tell if US President Joe Biden’s position on China is his true conviction or he’s just going along with the heavy anti-China sentiment in Washington, but his China team has made it official now: no more engagement with China, just competition from here on. The nature of competition the […]

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About China Environment News

May 31, 2021 CEN_com 0

Global environmental crisis is the product of centuries of Western exploitation of the land, natural resources and labour of the Global South. US and Western over consumption is still the leading force for environmental destruction of the global ecosystem. The West is responsible for at least three quarters of global cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Despite its size, China’s cumulative CO2 emissions are only 19% of world cumulative emissions. CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere […]

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Tiananmen Protests Reading List from Qiao Collective

May 25, 2021 CEN_com 0

As the anniversary of the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests approaches, we can expect the usual Western campaign of exaggeration and outright lies to build to a crescendo yet again. The Qiao Collective has curated a short reading list that provides an alternative perspective on the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Qiao Collective has written a short reflection on the protests that is not meant to provide […]

Editorial Statement

May 24, 2021 CEN_com 0

About China Environment News Global environmental crisis is the product of centuries of Western exploitation of the land, natural resources and labour of the Global South. Seriously tackling the global ecological crisis must involve a global redistribution of power and wealth from the West to the Global South. We unequivocally acknowledge this will require nationally appropriate forms of socialist state power. Ecological civilization China Environment News was created in late 2019 to contribute towards […]