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Good news for wind power? Has 6 decades of surface wind “stilling” ended in China?

June 29, 2021 CEN_com 0

Since the 1960s, a significant trend has been that global land surface wind speed (SWS) has significantly weakened, a phenomenon known as global terrestrial stilling. The stilling is widespread worldwide. It has seriously affected the ecological environment and social economy, especially as a factor restricting the sustainable development of the wind energy industry. The latest research, by a team of Chinese scientists from Institute of Atmospheric Physics at Chinese Academy […]

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Australian virologist who was a researcher at the Wuhan lab speaks out

June 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

Half-truths and distorted information have obscured an accurate accounting of the lab’s functions and activities, which were more routine than how they’ve been portrayed in the media. “It was a regular lab that worked in the same way as any other high-containment lab … What people are saying is just not how it is.” Australian virologist, Dr Danielle Anderson, was working on research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory […]

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US bio-warfare labs source of Covid-19 pandemic ?

June 28, 2021 CEN_com 0

International pressure builds for independent investigation The lab-leak theory, that COVID-19 was leaked from a laboratory, has once again caused a clamor since the beginning of this year, months after the argument was thrown into the trash can of conspiracy theories by an overwhelming number of scientists. Observers found that things only get more complicated when the origins of the coronavirus – an already difficult scientific issue – is entangled […]

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COVID lab-leak theory: ‘Rare’ genetic sequence doesn’t mean the virus was engineered

June 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

” … there is no evidence presented in the WSJ piece that scientifically supports the concept of a lab leak of a genetically engineered virus.” Two scientific experts from the University of Leeds, Dr Keith Grehan (postdoctoral researcher on molecular biology) and Dr Natalie Kingston (research fellow on virology) argue that the article written for the US Wall Street Journal is scientifically dubious, and based on speculation unsubstantiated by evidence. […]

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New generation of intelligent high-speed trains put into operation

June 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

Source: Xinhua| 2021-06-26 BEIJING, June 26 (Xinhua) — China’s new generation of “Fuxing” high-speed trains was put into operation on Friday, offering intelligent operating systems and facilities. The high-speed Electric Multiple Unit (EMU), based on the Fuxing CR400BF EMU, is equipped with technologies and services including intelligent data analysis, a wireless network based on 5G technology, and energy-efficient air conditioning units. With a 12.5-meter locomotive, the new intelligent bullet train has […]

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Cumulative covid-19 death toll lowest in China, Denmark, Australia, Russia and Norway

June 26, 2021 CEN_com 0

News update Latest data published by New Scientist shows the total deaths from covid-19 – the US death toll continues to be highest in the world, followed in descending order by Brazil, India, Mexico, South Korea, UK, and major EU states. The countries with the lowest death count in descending order were recorded in China, Denmark, Australia, Russia and Norway. This is not cumulative death “rate”, this is cumulative death […]

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Chinese scientists ‘reinvent’ potatoes to help solve global food crisis

June 25, 2021 CEN_com 0

Chinese scientists have developed a generation of “pure and fertile potato lines” with genome editing technologies in a groundbreaking achievement. The experiment, led by Huang Sanwen, a researcher with the Agricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen (AGIS) under the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), used genome design to transform potato breeding from a slow, non-accumulative mode into a fast-iterative one. Their study, titled “Genome design of hybrid potato,” was published […]

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China takes commanding global lead in research published on decarbonization technologies

June 21, 2021 CEN_com 0

TOKYO — China leads the world in the number of research papers published on technologies related to the global pivot away from greenhouse gases, and is catching up to the U.S. in terms of the quality and impact, a Nikkei survey shows. China was wold leader in 16 of 18 research areas for the period 2015-20. China has outstripped the U.S. in putting out research papers in the natural sciences, […]

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Could seawater rice determine the future of food security?

June 20, 2021 CEN_com 0

Only 14% of China’s vast territory is arable land. China is home to 100 million hectares of wasteland – that’s an area the size of Egypt – where crops cannot grow due to high soil salinity or alkalinity. For decades, the Chinese government and scientists have made great efforts to improve soil quality, and now, hope is on the horizon. A hybrid crop called “saltwater rice” is able to grow […]

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Fort Detrick and COVID-19: Why do the Chinese want an investigation?

June 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

The U.S. has yet to let go of the “lab leak theory” on COVID-19 origin. After the WHO-China joint research concluded that it’s a waste of time to look into this dead-end theory in March, U.S. President Joe Biden followed his predecessor Donald Trump and called for another investigation on the Wuhan-based biolab. But many U.S. biolabs are also among suspects of leakage, and many Chinese people have put a question mark […]