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Feeding 1.4 billion: China’s floating fish farms

November 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Ningde of southeast China’s Fujian Province produces China’s cultured seafood. Thousands of fish farmers, who resided along this coastal area for decades have transferred this little fishing village into the epicenter of the yellow croaker industry – producing 75 percent of the nation’s total output. VIDEO: Click to watch SOURCE: CGTN, 8 Oct 2019

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Feeding 1.4 billion: Smart farming with China’s big grain silo

November 15, 2021 CEN_com 0

Sixty percent of people in China live on rice as their staple food, and most of this rice is produced in the “Rice Capital” that is northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province. Here, the town of Jiansanjiang is one of the most important grain-producing bases in the country, with 15 state-owned farms. In recent years the farms have shifted from manual planting to full mechanized production with the practice of China’s smart […]

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Coronavirus infections increase among deer in US, new study shows

November 10, 2021 CEN_com 0

Preface In August 2021, China Environment News reported that samples collected by Canadian virologists showed that “one-third of white-tailed deer, a familiar sight on US lawns and golf courses, in the north-eastern United States have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 — a sign that they have been infected with the virus.” See ‘Corona virus rife in common US deer‘. Earlier peer reviewed research published in March 2021 in the Journal of Virology confirmed that […]

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Modernising China’s agriculture – Jack Ma backs government on food security

November 7, 2021 CEN_com 0

“Jack Ma’s reappearance shows that he will focus more on philanthropy, and that he agrees with and supports the official direction and current themes of eradicating poverty, rejuvenating rural areas and common prosperity.“ Introduction Alibaba founder Jack Ma seems set to take a role in agricultural development going by his latest moves to break into the agriculture industry, says an article in Lianhe Zaobao (Think China) on 3 November 2021. The article notes that Ma […]

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Blaming China for the climate crisis is shameful nonsense

November 5, 2021 CEN_com 0

The West has followed a Cold War agenda of demonising the world’s most populous country, when in fact it is China that emits less per-person than the US and many of its other critics, while leading the way in renewable energy, reforestation and electric vehicles. Carlos Martinez writes: In the run-up to the Cop26 UN Climate Change Conference, currently taking place in Glasgow, politicians and media in the West conducted […]

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China launches real-time glacier monitoring system

October 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

Yulong Snow Mountain and Glacier Park is a popular recreation area. It is a national park known as Yulong National Park (or Lijiang Yulong National Park) located in Yulong Mountain, in southwestern China. The Yulong Glacier is also a primary source of fresh water for Western China. Cable cars take tourists up and down the mountain, there is a cable to an observation platform sitting at 4,506 m with stunning […]

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Rethinking Grid Integration and Carbon Neutrality in China

October 27, 2021 CEN_com 0

Prospects for a massive renewable power expansion to achieve carbon neutrality in China and beyond In achieving the goal of carbon neutrality in China, the problem is no longer the cost or feasibility of sufficient renewable generation, but rather the challenges it introduces into the grid because of its variability. There are many uncertainties about pathways to mid-century carbon neutrality in all major emitting nations, but one fundamental aspect is […]

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Chinese mining companies adopt new geothermal technologies to cut carbon emissions

October 26, 2021 CEN_com 0

Iron tailings, traditionally an industrial waste, can now play a role in environmental protection. In northeast China’s Jilin Province, more than 70 hectares of saline-alkali soil have been transformed into fertile land that can produce 7,500 kg of rice per hectare with the help of iron tailings. “We make use of the unique physical and chemical characteristics of iron tailings to improve the soil quality,” said Xiong Hongqi, deputy general […]

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5G autopilot buses on trial in Zhengzhou, China

October 23, 2021 CEN_com 0

The Zhengzhou Bus Repair Plant was established in 1963 and today is China’s largest bus and coach manufacturer. The Yutong Bus company has a global market share of 15%, and 30% share of the China bus market. The business focuses on the production of all electric (NEV) and hybrid electric buses. It supplies these buses world wide, including Mexico, Kazakhstan, Denmark, Chile, Yutong buses has been shipped buses to over […]

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Conserving China’s crop biodiversity

October 21, 2021 CEN_com 0

A recent article in China Dialogue discusses the importance of conserving China’s agricultural plant biodiversity for future food security. Maintaining crop genetic diversity is a vital aspect of biodiversity in China, and around the world – hence the importance of looking after “germplasm” in China. Agricultural biological diversity (agrobiodiversity), is a small component of biodiversity, and presents two levels: genetic resources for food and agriculture, and the provision of ecological […]