China small nuclear reactor

September 9, 2023 CEN_com 0

China builds first such commercial small modular reactor in the world – international nuclear experts visit. Over 200 nuclear experts from more than 50 countries and regions visited China’s Linglong-1 (ACP-100) reactor on  September 5, 2023, the world’s first onshore commercial small modular reactor (SMR) in Changjiang Li Autonomous County, south China’s Hainan Province. China recently completed the installation of the main part of the world’s first commercial small modular […]

Fiji says no to Fukushima waste

August 26, 2023 CEN_com 0

Fijians say no to dumping Japan’s nuclear wastewater in Pacific. “Keep our Pacific nuclear-free!” Hundreds of Fijian people marched on the streets of Suva, raising their voices strongly against Japan’s dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean 

China hydrogen industry standards

August 20, 2023 CEN_com 0

A growing number of countries are releasing national strategies to support the hydrogen energy industry, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). But the IEA also noted that the lack of clarity about certification and regulation is one of the barriers to making firm investment decisions. However, the agency listed China as a highlight that has “taken the lead in deployment.” China’s first national-level construction guideline for the standards of the […]

Nuclear cuts China carbon emissions

August 19, 2023 CEN_com 0

China overtakes France to become world’s second-largest nuclear energy producer. China recently approved the construction of six more nuclear reactors, cementing its status as the world’s fastest-growing nuclear power producer. Despite only starting to develop the technology in the mid-1980s, decades later than some other major economies, China is expected to have the world’s largest nuclear fleet by 2030. Electricity generation from nuclear power plants has already increased nearly fourfold in the […]

China’s ancient rice technology

August 12, 2023 CEN_com 0

Modern agricultural equipment is helping the ancient farming method of rice ratooning make a comeback in east China. New China TV Ratoon rice technology: A green and resource-efficient way for rice production Ratoon rice refers to the production of a second rice crop from the stubble after the harvest of the main crop, is considered a green and resource-efficient rice production system. Chinese scientists are comprehensively evaluating the performance of […]

China advances wave energy tech

August 11, 2023 CEN_com 0

The development of the China’s offshore renewable energy made a leap forward in mid-June 2023 as the country’s first independently developed megawatt-scale floating wave energy generation device “Nankun” began trial operations in Zhuhai, Guangdong province. The event signals the application of China’s cutting-edge megawatt-scale wave energy generation technology in practical engineering, injecting fresh impetus into the country’s offshore new energy development, experts said. According to China Southern Power Grid, the device’s […]

China’s ‘father of glaciers’

August 7, 2023 CEN_com 0

Posted in: China Environment Net on Facebook 7/8/23 These are the first of 4 episodes (up to now) ep1. (see below) ep2. ->…/202307/t20230726_333913.shtml ep.3 ->…/202307/t20230731_334159.shtml ep.4 ->…/202308/t20230801_334196.shtml

China’s new National Park Institute

July 31, 2023 CEN_com 0

China’s Leap Forward in Ecological Conservation. In a groundbreaking move, China will see a new batch of university students enroll this September at the freshly constituted National Park Institute, a first-of-its-kind academic institution dedicated to the preservation and development of the country’s natural ecosystems. Operating under the aegis of the Beijing Forestry University, the National Park Institute is entrusted with a crucial task – to assist the development of China’s National […]

Radiation in Fukushima fish unsafe

July 31, 2023 CEN_com 0

Radioactivity in Fukushima fish 180 times safe limit China has been been one of the most out-spoken critics of the release of radioactive wastewater from Japan’s damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant. Some parts of the Western media are just this week reporting that fish with cesium radioactive isotope levels up to 180 times the safe limit have been found in the Fukushima plant port. (see links below to Canadian and UK […]