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How will China’s end to foreign investment in coal impact on Bangladesh’s power sector?

October 3, 2021 CEN_com 0

XI JINPING’s STATEMENT AT UN Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his official statement at the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 21, announced that China would step up support for other developing countries in generating green and low-carbon energy and would not build new coal-fired power projects abroad. Such a statement from the top leadership of China has important future implications for […]

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Endangered leopards and tigers roam far eastern wilderness following historic China–Russia agreement on transnational park

October 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

Leopards and tigers are roaming in the far eastern wilderness again thanks to an historic China–Russia collaboration, paving the way for a transnational park In 2001, Jilin province established the Hunchun National Nature Reserve, a sliver of protected land running along the border with Russia and south to the small spit of Chinese territory that borders North Korea to the west and Russia to the east. Tiger numbers gradually rose, increasing […]

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How has afforestation transformed China?

October 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

In commemoration of China’s greening progress By Kelvin Kwok May 16, 2021. Originally posted in K in the Clouds blog; Shared on 17 May 2021 to Xi Jinping: China’s Exceptional President group on Facebook ( ) It takes more than “HOW DARE YOU” to restore and preserve nature. It is not just a childhood, we are talking about GENERATIONS.Below, let us take a look at how the Chinese spent […]

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The conspiracy theories behind China’s power cuts

October 2, 2021 CEN_com 0

Introduction **The following is an edited extract from ThinkChina, an English language e-magazine published by Lianhe Zaobao , a Chinese language Daily published by Singapore Press Holdings. It is one of the few foreign-owned Chinese language media accessible online in China and has a monthly pageview count of 100 million in China.** The power cuts in several provinces in China have become a hot topic over the past week, not just because […]

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Exploring the lungs of Asia

October 1, 2021 CEN_com 0

The forests of Asia are majestic, beautiful, and incredibly unique. Yet, many of us take their existence for granted. As they disappear, it’s time to take a deeper look at our forests—and decide where we stand in the global fight for their conservation. This article helps understand the nature and role of China’s and her neighbours forests, in the broader bio-geographical context of Asia. It presents some excellent information that […]

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China can save the Earth – Here’s why

October 1, 2021 CEN_com 0

China is often cited as the ‘bad guy’, with its polluted air, taste for endangered species, and huge fishing fleets. But experts now recognise that China has the potential to save the planet. What has this country done to sway popular opinion and prove itself? A Western view. 1. Curbing climate change China is an unstoppable force in the clean energy movement. It produces more electricity with renewable energy than any other country, and has some of the biggest solar […]

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China urges developed countries to face up to their responsibilities on climate change

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

“Developed countries should earnestly abide by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, face up to their historical responsibilities, show greater ambition and action, and help developing countries enhance their capacity to meet the climate challenge in terms of financial, technological and capacity building support.” Hua Chunying, spokesperson for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Climate change is based on inequality The post-industrial economic structure of the rich developed countries is […]

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China’s Guiyang targets 50% green economy share in GDP by 2025

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

GUIYANG — It is estimated that the added value of the green economy of Guiyang, capital of southwest China’s Guizhou Province, will account for half of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025, local environment authorities said Thursday. The city’s energy consumption per 10,000 yuan (about 1,500 U.S. dollars) of GDP decreased by over 25 percent during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020) compared with that of the 12th Five-Year […]

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Power cuts fuel China’s energy mix change

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

The shortage of electricity in China at present is mainly caused by three factors. The industrial demand for electricity is increasing fast. The price of coal has soared. And local governments are trying to fulfill their emissions cut quotas. By the end of September, the price of thermal coal had increased about twofold compared with the same period last year, exhausting the interest margin of the power plant operators as […]

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Pacific nations warn about the threat of nuclear pollution by AUKUS

September 30, 2021 CEN_com 0

American failure to address previous nuclear contamination from its military activity does not lend credibility to Biden’s or Morrison’s rhetoric. Addressing the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly of the UN, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, said as his country is a party to the 1985 the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty he would like to keep the region nuclear free and put the region’s nuclear legacy […]