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The Rush Towards Carbon Sequestration – Markets or Command and Control?

June 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

The 2021 Dasgupta Report provides a much-needed roadmap to correct flawed economic tools by valuing Nature as an asset. A test of whether markets will follow this roadmap involves quickly expanding voluntary carbon sequestration markets. Editor’s Note: Fundamentally, the Dasgupta Review develops the economics of biodiversity on the understanding that we, and our economies, are embedded within nature- not external to it. There has been an institutional failure to account […]

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Ecological civilization: A new development paradigm

June 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

By Pan Jiahua, Professor of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University, with assistance from Yang Xinran. Almost every strategic study on environment and development solicited by the Chinese government refers to ‘ecological civilization’. Successive presidents have connected their names to it. The simplest interpretation of this term has been as the Chinese equivalent of sustainable development in China. But beyond that, what does ‘ecological civilization’ mean? Pan Jiahua explains […]

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China’s resolve to address climate change

June 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

At the general debate of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly in September last year, China announced that it would aim to achieve peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. This is a major strategic decision made by the Communist Party of China to achieve sustainable development for the Chinese nation and build a community of a shared future for mankind. It demonstrates China’s […]

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Modern farming: Coronavirus outbreak spurs high-tech greenhouse boom in China

June 13, 2021 CEN_com 0

At Chongming Island just outside Shanghai, China’s most populous city, at a new commercial glass greenhouse harvested their first batch of produce at the site in May. The facility is one of dozens sprouting up on the outskirts of China’s megacities that utilise high-end technology to manage irrigation, temperature and lighting systems to grow vegetables within easy reach of a large and affluent consumer base. By far the world’s largest […]

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DNA tracks mysterious Denisovans to Chinese cave, just before modern humans arrived nearby

June 12, 2021 CEN_com 0

In a 2020 scientific paper in Science, archaeologist Dongju Zhang’s research team, of Lanzhou University, reported the first discovery of Denisovan ancient DNA found outside the Denisova Cave.** Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was gleaned not from fossils, but from the cave sediments themselves. Precise dates show the Denisovans took shelter in the cave 100,000 years and 60,000 years ago, and possibly as recently as 45,000 years ago, when modern humans were […]

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China’s grain security

June 12, 2021 CEN_com 0

This week, Chinese authorities have stressed the need for solid efforts to safeguard the country’s grain security. This edition of Xinhua Commentary, explains why the country’s food security matters and how it is being secured. Click link below to watch video: Xinhua Commentary: China’s commitment to ensuring food security remains unchanged – Xinhua | English From: China Environment News VK link

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Nature reserve to save sea turtles from extinction

June 11, 2021 CEN_com 0

The plight of sea turtles Sea turtles aren’t just the marine world’s largest reptile. They are one of the oldest surviving forms of life, having lived alongside the dinosaurs. Sea turtles return to the ocean on hatching, and spend their entire lives at sea, except when female turtles come on land to lay eggs. But they are often active in areas of human activity and so face various hazards. Globally, […]

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China restoring its mangrove forests

June 11, 2021 CEN_com 0

In September last year, China released an action plan to restore the country’s 18,800 hectares of mangrove forests and plant another 9,050 hectares over the next five years. China has begun implementing an action plan to restore the country’s 18,800 hectares of mangrove forests and plant another 9,050 hectares in the next five years. Under the plan by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, […]

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China to restore forest quality

June 11, 2021 CEN_com 0

China will moderately reduce the proportion of artificial forests and enhance the conservation and restoration of its degraded forests China’s efforts to implement afforestation and environmental schemes in recent years have met with considerable success, a fact reflected in the large increase in forest coverage nationwide.  However, the country is now switching from the emphasis on quantity-based greening to a more balanced approach, giving greater weight to the factor of […]

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Millions of birds face unexpected danger: glass buildings

June 11, 2021 CEN_com 0

In 2018, Shi Danyang, a student at Duke Kunshan University in east China’s Jiangsu Province, saw a tiny warbler with greenish feather majestically flying toward the glass window of her three-storied school building.  But instead of maneuvering, the bird hit the glass, making a gentle thumping sound and leaving behind a tiny mark on the window. Shocked by the bird’s poor navigation capabilities, she later learned that the warbler’s dead […]