Although it is not specifically about environmental matters, this post will be of particular interest to our members as the majority come from the Asia Pacific region. War is of course a major threat to both humanity and nature.

China Environment recommend this article by Thomas Hon Wing Polin (from his China’s World page on Facebook) to all members, and suggest anyone interested should like and follow Thomas’ China’s World blog on Facebook at – https://www.facebook.com/chinasworld.thwpolin

The formation of AUKUS by the Empire of Anglos has caused widespread concern among Asian nations facing the Western Pacific. And that includes the Russians.

(Thomas Polin, China’s World)

Understandably. The abrupt move marks a clear attempt by USA & Vassals to stir shit big-time in the Asia-Pacific region. It also means that Washington’s warmongers have relocated their Cold War from Europe and the Atlantic to Eastern Asia and the Pacific. China has replaced the Soviet Union.

The watershed shift has been under way for a decade. With their Pivot to Asia starting 2011, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton kicked off a new and lasting drive to contain China. Before that, China and its neighbors had managed their differences peacefully, including over South China Sea islands. But with the renewed US intrusion, political and military tensions have been rising since. In addition, Trump reopened the Taiwan front. And he roped into his Anti-China Chorus the ego-inflated Modi regime in India.

The Bidenists not only continued the escalations but intensified them. It did the same with destabilization campaigns in Thailand, Myanmar and perhaps Indonesia and Malaysia. The AUKUS scheme, which won’t deliver usable weapons to Australia for another decade, nonetheless cements Canberra (and London) into an anti-Beijing alliance spanning most of the Pacific Ocean. Its chess pieces in place, Washington is now ready to unleash Cold War 2.0 against China in earnest.

Asia-Pacific countries have every reason to be alarmed — and outraged. Through many decades of hard work and steady development, the region has become the growth engine of the global economy. Now, to perpetuate its own predatory hegemony, the US is prepared to wreck it all.

The Asia-Pacific needs to wake up to that threat — and meet it head on.

The article below is a perspective from Southeast Asia. Excerpt:

“Already, Malaysia has joined Indonesia in voicing concern that the conception of Aukus could provoke a nuclear arms race in the region.

“Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has warned that the alliance could prod other powers to act more aggressively. Sabri Yaakob did not mention names, but it was clear he was referring to China.

“Indonesia earlier appealed to Australia to abide by its nuclear nonproliferation obligations.

“Singapore had a more sober response, raising hopes the alliance ‘would contribute constructively to the peace and stability of the region and complement the regional architecture.

“The Philippines should be equally worried. It is already engaged in a long-standing dispute with China over territorial claims in the South China Sea. Aukus could compel Beijing into further fortifying the islets it claims as its own as frontline outposts. Worse, it would not be far-fetched to say that the added fortifications could include a nuclear arsenal.

“Now is the time for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to prove that it is more than just an organization to foster regional trade and cooperation. It must engage more dynamically with the principal players in the unfolding Asia Pacific Cold War to prevent tensions from escalating. The security of its member nations is at stake.”

Source: China’s World, 23 Sept 2021 https://www.facebook.com/chinasworld.thwpolin/posts/223784479685351

Cited article: Manila Times, ‘Backstabbing’ claim mars new US-Australia alliance’, Editorial, 21 Sept 2021


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