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Nicaragua along the Belt and Road

January 15, 2022 CEN_com 0

This excellent article, republished from China’s Global Times locates the recent inauguration of Daniel Ortega for a further term as President of Nicaragua, and the increasingly close ties between China and the Central American nation, within the overall context of a resurgence of the left throughout Latin America. This is occurring in the teeth of intense US pressure and hostility and, the article notes, the Latin American left is characterised by a […]

Cuba, China, Latin America and US hybrid war

November 26, 2021 CEN_com 0

This analysis by John Ross of the Renmin University of China looks at the long relationship between China and Cuba. He analyzes why it is important to defeat the US attack on Cuba. The article was originally published in Chinese at Foreword by China Environment editors Cuba joined Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2019, hoping it would assist in strengthening its troubled economy, which has been badly hit by […]

Fact check: China and U.S. roles on issue of climate change

November 12, 2021 CEN_com 0

People’s Daily Online Recently, U.S. politicians have continued to hype groundless accusations against China on the issue of climate change: “China bears the greatest responsibility for climate change” and “China failed its climate commitment.” The latest unfounded remarks came from U.S. president Joe Biden, claiming that China lacks commitment on the climate issue. However, is this true? What respective roles do China and the U.S. play on the climate issue? […]

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Two years on from COP25 in Madrid: West still shafting developing nations in Glasgow on climate change

November 9, 2021 CEN_com 0

Re-reading the editorial we wrote 2 years ago in December 2019, when China Environment News had just begun, reminds us that the contradictions we pointed to then have only intensified. The previous UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid in December 2019 was sabotaged by the rich Western nations, led by the US, when they refused to significantly progress their 2009 COP15 promise for a $100 billion per year global […]

Allegations about China and carbon pollution are rooted in racism

November 8, 2021 CEN_com 0

It’s wrong to paint the Chinese as the world’s biggest environmental villains, but mainstream media outlets do it all the time. When I was young, there was a joke going round which went something like this: “Americans eat way more candy than British people!” “Really?” “Yes! Because there are more of them!” This piece of playground humor works by presenting an apparently clear fact, and then revealing the context that […]

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The US moral superiority complex is accelerating its decline

November 6, 2021 CEN_com 0

At first glance, the following article does not relate much to the global environmental crisis and China’s efforts to combat this internationally. However, in reality it provides a significant part of the context in which the West seeks to undermine China’s leadership of the Global South. It is well worth reading. “No matter how hard the power-knowledge regimes of Western intellectual production work to conceal the decline, the West no […]

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UNESCO and China: Building the eco-civilization that leaves no one behind

October 25, 2021 CEN_com 0

“Etiquette and culture are learned after people’s granary becomes full. Honor and shame are distinguished when the folks have enough to eat and wear.” The words from the ancient Chinese statesman and philosopher, Guan Zhong, living in the Spring and Autumn Period about 2,700 years ago, demonstrate the Chinese philosophical wisdom in discerning the linkage between material abundance and social progress. Since China resumed its rightful place in the United […]

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Tibet in Western media vs the real Tibet on the ground

October 23, 2021 CEN_com 0

#ChinaChat Miao Xiaojuan, host of the China Chat program on New China TV, talks with two American experts who visited Tibet – Shaun Rein (of China Market Research Group) and David Blair (of Centre for China and Globalization). Together the two visitors share their firsthand experiences on the trip, delve deeper into Western views of the region, and aim to separate fact from fiction. What they have to say is […]

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The so-called left’s collaboration with the Western imperialism

October 12, 2021 CEN_com 0

Republished from the Hood Communist ( “As the Western left has become more aligned with their imperialist bourgeoisie in the destabilization of the Global South, the radical Black tradition provides a clear approach to “turn imperialist wars into wars against imperialism.” Changes in historical conditions can elevate a secondary contradiction to a primary, and antagonistic contradiction, in an instant. The rightist collaboration with the Pan-European colonial/capitalist project on the part […]

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China fears nuclear leak after US submarine collision in its waters

October 9, 2021 CEN_com 0

China has expressed its grave concern about the accident involving US submarine USS Connecticut hitting an unknown object in the South China Sea, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Friday, urging the US to clarify more details about the accident, its purpose of cruising in the area, and whether it has caused a nuclear leak that has damaged the local marine environment. “the U.S. should clarify in detail […]