China fears nuclear leak after US submarine collision in its waters

China has expressed its grave concern about the accident involving US submarine USS Connecticut hitting an unknown object in the South China Sea, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Friday, urging the US to clarify more details about the accident, its purpose of cruising in the area, and whether it has caused a nuclear leak that has damaged the local marine environment.

“the U.S. should clarify in detail the situation of the accident, including the location, the intention of the sailing, details of the accident, such as what exactly it collided with, whether it caused a nuclear leak, and whether it damaged the local marine environment”

Chinese Foreign Ministry
US Seawolf-class fast attack submarine, USS Connecticut, in the water at Naval Base in Washington state, 2018.

The US Navy’s Pacific Fleet has admitted that a Seawolf-class fast-attack submarine operating in the South China Sea struck an underwater object on October 2, injuring multiple crew members and damaging the vessel. The damaged submarine, the USS Connecticut, has arrived in US-occupied Guam for investigations.

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