Trends in China’s renewable electricity generation technology: an industry view

Note: This video is shared for its informational content. No promotions or representations for or on behalf of the company are intended.

Mr. Luan Guangfu of Chint Solar Zhejiang Company Ltd (CHINT)** gave a speech at an international marketing forum about the current situation and future trends of China’s renewable electricity generation technology.

CHINT Solar was contracted by the China-Central and Eastern Europe Investment Cooperation Fund (China-CEE Fund) to supply and install a 51.5 MW photovoltaic solar plant in Poland. China-CEE is the investment component of the 17+1 framework, a diplomatic initiative to enhance cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

In Feb 2022 the first batch of 51.5MW PV power plants were successfully connected to the grid in Poland. The project is under the China-Central and Eastern Europe Fund and contracted by CHINT Solar. The entire 51.5MW project will be completed in the next 3-4 months. It is estimated that the annual total power generation will reach to 50 million kWh, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 50,000 tons, and will contribute to the development of renewable energy in Poland.

Luan Guangfu spoke on the theme of the current situation in China’s renewable energy industry and trends in renewable technology.

At present, Luan Guangfu said, renewable energy makes up 40% of the installed capacity in China and 30% of the power generation. In recent years, China has been devoted to renewable energy and has built over 660 large-scale PV power stations around the world.

In Feb 2022 the first batch of 51.5MW PV power plants were successfully connected to the grid in Poland.

To build the new generation of the electricity system that consists mainly of renewable energy is met with a lot of challenges, and to address these challenges, Luan Guangfu said CHINT will aim to achieve carbon neutrality by building the new generation of the electricity system consisting mainly of renewable energy.

The attached video talks about the future trends of China’s renewable electricity generation technology.

[** Founded in 1984, CHINT is a China-based global provider of smart energy solutions, seeking to actively deploying “4+1” industrial sectors including smart electrics, including green energy forming an integrated chain of “power generation, storage, transmission, substation, distribution, sales and consumption”. CHINT has been ranked among China’s Top 500 companies for 18 consecutive years.]

Source: CHINT GLOBAL, 24 Dec 2021

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