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Is Natural Selection culling far right Americans?

August 22, 2021 CEN_com 0

Large numbers anti-science rednecks choose death, serious long-term illness, and for males, impotence from Covid. Ironically, this could be seen as reinforcing the veracity of Darwinian natural selection. The death rate from COVID-19 in the U.S. is rising. The seven-day average of new cases has increased by nearly 70% to almost 30,000 per day; hospitalizations are up 36%. And deaths from the virus have risen steadily in recent days, reversing […]

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August 21, 2021 CEN_com 0

The 21SilkRd group on Facebook was launched in 2016 with a twofold aim. One was to cover the biggest, most important development project in history: the China-inspired Belt & Road Initiative to link the EurAsian landmass. The second was to rebut the false and mistaken narratives about China that routinely flood the Western media. It aimed to provide authentically Chinese perspectives on key issues relating to China — in English. […]

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21 Silk Rd 2.0 group shut down again by Facebook oligarchs

August 20, 2021 CEN_com 0

Our sister group 21 Silk Rd 2.0 has been closed down by the US regime’s oligarchs at Facebook. The Facebook Gestapo, on the behest of the “Democratic” wing of the US regime, is intensifying attacks on anti-imperialist and pro-China groups like ours (including suspending Admins etc). WE ENCOURAGE ALL MEMBERS OF OUR GROUP TO KEEP IN MIND THAT WE ALSO HAVE A WEBSITE – 21 Silk Rd is also […]

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China, Russia guide new Afghan government’s diplomacy

August 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

Beijing and Moscow are working to rehabilitate the Taliban and smooth international acceptance of the new Afghan Government By PEPE ESCOBAR, August 19, 2021 The first Taliban press conference after last weekend’s Saigon moment geopolitical earthquake, conducted by spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, was in itself a game-changer.   The contrast could not be starker with those rambling pressers at the Taliban embassy in Islamabad after 9/11 and before the start of the American bombing […]

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The New Cold War on China

August 5, 2021 CEN_com 0

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that China’s Third Revolution has been greeted by the United States and the other core capitalist powers with a combination of disbelief, shock, and anger. Unaccustomed to thinking historically and dialectically, relying on mere formalistic frames of analysis, and believing in the inevitable triumph of capitalism, the dominant ideology in the West has been one quite literally of “the end of history.” The […]

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Should the United States be investigated by the WHO over COVID-19’s origins?

August 3, 2021 CEN_com 0

Report on CGTN Think Tank Online Survey Full survey report: ** Click to access Should-the-United-States-be-investigated-by-the-WHO-over-COVID-19-origins-English-version.pdf CGTN Think Tank conducted a global online survey, available in six UN official languages, on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, VK, Weibo and WeChat, on July 30. Participants were asked: “Do you think the WHO should investigate the U.S. as part of the origin-tracing study of COVID-19?” About 83 percent of social media users answered YES. Participants in […]

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Climate change opens new avenues for China-EU cooperation

July 31, 2021 CEN_com 0

Having set ambitious climate targets and drawn up sweeping plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions, both China and the European Union are staying on track to pursue sustainable development and thereby to shape a green future, which opens up new vistas for bilateral cooperation. FRANKFURT, July 29 (Xinhua) — Shuttling between stations in an assembly hall of a manufacturing base located in the Sino-France Ecology Park in Chengdu, several automated […]

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Surge in terrorist attacks on Hong Kong as 9 arrested making bombs

July 7, 2021 CEN_com 0

BREAKING NEWS: NINE PEOPLE, including six secondary students, were arrested today (6 July 2021) making major explosives for use in Hong Kong. On 1 July, Hong Kong suffered its first-ever suicide terrorist attack. The suicide attack happened in Hong Kong Island’s busiest spot. The terrorist attempted to murder an on-duty police officer by stabbing him in the back. The terrorist then killed himself. The suicide attack came only two days […]

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An open letter to Australian Government’s ABC News network*

June 21, 2021 CEN_com 0

Is the Australian Broadcasting Commissions controlled by some invisible force to promote the idea that China is all bad and to completely refuse any open dialogue? “It seems apparent to me that the ABC, like every other Australian mainstream media outlet is controlled by some invisible force to promote the idea that China is all bad and it completely refuses to open a dialogue with anyone, like myself or the […]

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China’s socialist market economy and rational macro controls

June 19, 2021 CEN_com 0

Much has been written about China’s socialist market economy since October 1992, when the concept was formally endorsed. Many have debated its true nature. Is it really a socialist or a market economy? Is it an unwieldy synthesis of both, or has it through time matured into a manageable system for continued national development? And relatedly, especially since 2008 (although such policymaking is much older), what are macro controls and […]