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Red Panda conservation in China

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

Red pandas (or lesser pandas) have long, fluffy striped tails like a raccoon, and faces and diets that resemble a giant panda’s, but they clean themselves like a cat. However, they are not raccoons, bears, or cats — they were until recently thought to be the only living species in a genus of their own (Ailuridae). However in recent years, scientists have determined that ther are actually two separate species – the Himalayan […]

COVID-19 may have reached Europe as early as 2019: Norwegian study

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

[See CGTN:…/2022…/detail-ihavfwhh0343767.shtml] New findings by Norwegian researchers show that the novel coronavirus could have arrived in Europe a month earlier than previously thought. This adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting the coronavirus was spreading globally before the first cases in a Wuhan market captured global attention in December 2019. An investigation led the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention ruled the market out as the origin place […]

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Glacier retreat accelerates global chemical weathering

January 29, 2022 CEN_com 0

Chinese and foreign researchers have evaluated the global chemical weathering rates beneath glaciers for the first time, revealing temporal and spatial variations and influence mechanisms. Chemical weathering, also known as decomposition or decay, is the breakdown of rock by chemical mechanisms, and it usually changes the chemical composition of the rock through carbonation, hydration, hydrolysis or oxidation. Researchers from China’s Northwest University, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Pennsylvania State […]

Can the US seriously blame China for climate change?

January 26, 2022 CEN_com 0

At UN COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow, the U.S. attempted to displace blame onto China for climate change, which was caused disproportionately by the advanced capitalist powers. While the U.S. media often calls China the biggest carbon emitter, this tends to leave out both per-capita emissions and the fact that these same countries have outsourced so much of their manufacturing to China. Rarely mentioned is how China is confronting the […]

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‘Heroes for the Wild’: China’s nature reserve rangers

January 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

China’s one million rangers provide crucial educational bridges between leaders and locals, protecting the country’s wildlife. “China is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world while it holds 1/5 of the world’s population. To better preserve its biodiversity and the fragile ecosystems against anthropocentric threats, China has established more than 11800 protected areas covering approximately 18% of its total land area, reaching the Aichi target 11 which aims […]

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Rare Chinese mountain cat released back into the wild after toe amputation

January 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

The Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti), is under first-class national protection in China, and is endemic to China. It is listed as “vulnerable” by the IUCN Red List. Studies have shown that the species is rare and the distribution density is low, and ecological studies on their physiology, reproduction and feeding habits are scarce. A Chinese mountain cat known as “Huang Rong” was the first in the world to be […]

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What is the real story behind US 5G ?

January 21, 2022 CEN_com 0

America’s 5G band is part of US the military weapons and communication system. It seems that this will enable the US regime to control the “civilian” 5G system, access non-military communications data, and provide the ability to turn off 5G nation-wide at any time. In August 2020 the US government announced it would redeploy spectrum currently used by the military towards commercialised 5G networks.The US regime’s Department of Defense said […]

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The pandemic’s true death toll is millions more than official counts: Nature

January 20, 2022 CEN_com 0

Countries have reported some five million COVID-19 deaths in two years, but global excess deaths are estimated to be double or even quadruple that figure (i.e. 12 million to 22 million). On 18 January 2022, the journal Nature published a news item examining the likely real death toll from the Covid-19 pandemic. Nature said: “On 1 November, the global death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic passed five million, official data […]

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China announces plans for archaeological work in 14th Five-Year Plan period

January 18, 2022 CEN_com 0

China in 2022 will roll out and implement plans for archaeological work in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), said an official at a national conference held Monday. Li Qun, head of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, made the announcement at the conference, which was attended by heads of cultural heritage administrations across the country. The conference summarized some of the results of archaeological work in 2021. According to the […]

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China’s Antarctic Program and the Antarctic Treaty System

January 17, 2022 CEN_com 0

On 4 January 2022 China’s CGTN media network posted a short video announcing that a team of Chinese scientists has arrived at the Zhongshan Station and the Great Wall Station to conduct the 38th expedition in Antarctica to carry out scientific research. The link to the CGTN video is: In this post we provide background information on China’s Antarctic Program and the Antarctic Treaty System, of which China is […]