Longest tunnel of Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway dug through 

The Jakarta-Bandung high speed rail tunnel in Indonesia.
Construction of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail tunnel in Indonesia. Source: crec.com/english

The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway (HSR) in Indonesia is landmark project of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-Indonesia cooperation, as well as a national strategic project of Indonesia.

With a design speed of 350 km per hour, the Southeast Asia’s first high-speed railway, built with Chinese technology, will cut the journey between Jakarta and Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, from more than three hours to around 40 minutes.

The longest tunnel of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway (HSR) in Indonesia was cut through on Friday afternoon, posing a major success in the joint railway project.The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway, contracted to the China Railway, is a landmark project of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-Indonesia cooperation, as well as a national strategic project of Indonesia.

The 4,478-meter tunnel is the key section of the project on account of high risks and construction difficulties. Since the construction began in August 2018, the project department has optimized the construction teams and strengthened resources allocation to achieve the hole-through on schedule.

Source: Built by China, 20 Feb 2022.

Watch video: https://youtu.be/uuiBmeKiq9A

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